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Translation for Translators - Luke - Luke 1

Luke 1:48-77

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48I was only his lowly servant girl, but he did not forget me. So from now on, everyone will say that God was pleased with me,
49because they will hear about the things that God MTY, the mighty one, has done for me. He MTY is awesome!
50He acts mercifully toward all those who respect him.
51He shows people that he MTY is very powerful. He scatters those who think proudly.
52He does not let mighty kings rule MTY anymore, but he honors people who are oppressed (OR, humble).
53He gives good things to eat to those who are hungry, but he sends away the rich people without giving them anything.
54He promised to Abraham and all our other ancestors who descended from him that he would act mercifully toward them forever. And now he has remembered what he promised. So he has helped me and all the other people of MTY Israel who serve him.”
56Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months. Then she returned to her home.
57When it was time for Elizabeth to give birth to her child, she bore a son.
58Her neighbors and relatives heard how ◄the Lord/God► had greatly blessed her by enabling her to bear a child, so they were happy along with Elizabeth.
59Seven days later they gathered together for the ceremony for circumcising the baby to show that he belonged to God. They wanted to give the baby the same name as his father, Zechariah..
60But his mother said, “No, his name will not be Zechariah. His name will be John!”
61So they said to her, “ John is not the name of any of your (dl) relatives, so you(dl) should not give him that name!”
62Then they made motions with their hands to Zechariah, for him to indicate what name he wanted to be given {to give} to his son.
63So he signaled that they should give him a tablet to write on. When they gave him one, he wrote on it, “His name is John.” All those who were there were surprised!
64Immediately Zechariah was able to speak again MTY, and he praised God.
65All their neighbors were amazed/awestruck! They told other people who lived all over the highlands of Judea about what had happened.
66Everyone who heard about it kept thinking about it. They were saying, “We wonder what will this child do for God when he grows up RHQ!” They wondered that because from what had happened they were sure that God would be helping that child SYN in a powerful way.
67After Zechariah's son was born, Zechariah was completely directed by the Holy Spirit {the Holy Spirit completely directed Zechariah} as he spoke these words that came from God:
68“Praise the Lord, the God whom we(inc) people of Israel worship, because he has come to set us, his people, free from our enemies.
69He is sending us someone who will powerfully MTY save us, someone who is descended from MTY King David, who served God well.
70Long ago God caused his prophets to say that he would do that.
71He will rescue us from our enemies, and he will save us from the power of all those who hate us.
72He will do this because he has not forgotten what he promised our ancestors; he made an agreement that he would act mercifully to us, their descendants.
73That is what he strongly promised our ancestor Abraham that he would do.
74God told him that we would be rescued {he would rescue us} from the power of our enemies, that he would enable us to serve him without being afraid,
75that he would cause us to be completely dedicated to him, and enable us to live righteously all of our lives.”
76Then Zechariah said this to his little son: “My child, you will be called {people will say that you are} a prophet whom God MTY/EUP has sent; you will begin your work before ◄the Lord/Messiah► comes; you will prepare people so that they will be ready for him. (OR, you will begin your work before the Messiah comes).
77You will tell God's people how he will forgive them and save them from being punished for their sins.

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