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Plain English Version - Luke - Luke 1

Luke 1:34-75

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34Mary said, “But I’m not married. How will I get a baby?”
35Gabriel said, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and God’s power will come over you and give you a baby. Your baby will be real special, and people will say he is God’s son.
36And you know your cousin Elizabeth? Everyone reckoned she is too old to have a baby, but now she is carrying one inside her. She has been carrying it for the last 6 months, and soon she will have a baby.
37You see, God can do anything. Nothing is too hard for him.”
38Mary said, “All right then, I will do whatever God wants. I want everything to happen just like you have said.” Then Gabriel left her.
39A few days later Mary got up and quickly went south to a town in the hilly part of the country called Judea.
40Zechariah and Elizabeth lived in that town. Mary went to their house, and went in and said, “Hello cousin” to Elizabeth.
41As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary say those words, she felt her baby jump inside her. And the Holy Spirit came into her,
42and she talked really loud, she said, “God is really good to you, and he is making you happy. He is being more good to you than to any other woman. And he is being really good to your baby, too.
43I’m not important, but you are the mother of my leader, the one from God. It is really good of you to visit me.
44You see, as soon as I heard you say ‘hello,’ my baby inside me was so happy he jumped.
45Yes, you believed that God will do everything he told you, and that makes you very happy.”
46Mary said, “God is really good and really great. I feel that really deep inside myself, and I want to tell it to everybody.
47God is the one that saves me, so my spirit is really happy.
48God knew that I was not important, but he picked me, and now everyone will say that God has been good to me.
49Yes, he is the really strong one, and he did great things for me. God is properly good, better than anyone else.
50He is good to the people that respect him, and to their kids, and to their grand-kids, and to all their grand-kids to come.
51He did great things with his power, to show everyone that he is really strong. Those people that reckoned they were smart and strong, they all got frightened of him, and they ran away.
52He chucked out the big bosses and took their power away. But he got people that were not important, and he made them bosses.
53And he gave hungry people good food, and they ate till they were full. But he didn’t give anything to the rich people. They went away with nothing.
54He is sorry for his own people, us Israel mob, and he helps us,
55just like he promised to our grand-father Abraham, and to our other grand-fathers of long ago. He said he will look after us for ever.”
56Mary stayed with Elizabeth about 3 months, then she went back to her own home.
57Then the time came for Elizabeth to have her baby, and she had a son.
58All her family, and the people that lived near her, they heard that she had a baby, and they knew that God had been very good to her. Elizabeth was happy, and they were all happy too.
59When the baby was 8 days old, all those people came to Zechariah and Elizabeth’s place. The baby boy had to have a young man’s operation on that day, and they used to give a baby his name at that time. The people wanted to call him Zechariah, the same name that his father had.
60But Elizabeth said, “No. His name is John.”
61They said, “What? Nobody in your family has that name.”
62So they made signs with their hands to his father, to ask him what name he wanted to give to the boy.
63Zechariah made signs to get them to give him something to write on, then he wrote, “His name is John.” Everyone was shocked.
64Then, straight away, Zechariah started to talk again, and he told everyone that God is very great.
65Everybody there was really surprised, and they told other people about everything that happened, and soon a lot of people in the hilly part of Judea country were talking about it.
66Everyone that heard the news thought about it, and they said, “What will this kid be, after he grows up?” They knew God’s power was with that boy.
67At that time, when Zechariah started talking again, the Holy Spirit came into him, and he told everyone a message from God. He said,
68“The God of us Israel mob, he is a great God. He has come now to save us, his people.
69He has sent us a very strong person to save us. You know about David, the boss that worked for God a long time ago, well this person is in David’s family.
70God promised this to us a long time ago, and he got his men to tell us this message.
71God promised to save us from our enemies, and from everyone that hates us.
72He promised to be good to our grand-fathers of long ago, and he will remember to do everything that he promised.
73Yes, God will remember the things promised to Abraham, our grand-father of long ago.
74He promised to save us from our enemies, so we can work for him without being frightened.
75We can live God’s way and work for him in the right way, and we can do it all our lives.”

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