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Translation for Translators - Luke - Luke 1

Luke 1:10-49

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10While he was burning the incense, many people were outside in the courtyard, praying.
11Then an angel whom God had sent appeared to him. The angel was standing at the right side of the place where the priests burned incense.
12When Zechariah saw the angel, he was startled and became very afraid.
13But the angel said to him, “Zechariah, do not be afraid! When you (sg) prayed asking God for a son (OR, that God would send the Messiah), God heard what you prayed. So your wife Elizabeth shall bear a son. You must name him John.
14He will cause you to be very happy, and many other people will also be happy because he is born.
15God will consider him to be very important. He must never drink wine or any other alcoholic drink, in order that he will be completely dedicated to God. He will be controlled by the Holy Spirit {The Holy Spirit will control him} from before he is born.
16He will persuade many people in Israel to turn away from their sins and please the Lord their God.
17As God's Spirit enables him to preach powerfully as the prophet Elijah did, he will precede the Messiah. He will cause parents SYN to act peacefully toward their children again. He will cause many people who do not obey God to hear and obey the wise things that righteous people tell them. He will do this in order to help many people to be ready when the Lord comes.”
18Then Zechariah said to the angel, “I am very old, and my wife is also so old that she cannot bear a child. So ◄I cannot believe that what you (sg) said will happen!/how can I believe that what you (sg) said will happen?► RHQ”
19Then the angel said to him, “I am God's chief angel, Gabriel! I do what God tells me, because I constantly am in God's presence! I was sent { He sent me} to tell you (sg) something good that is going to happen to you.
20What I have told you will certainly happen at the time God decides, but you did not believe what I told you. So now God will make you will be unable to talk until the day your son is born”!
21While Zechariah and the angel were talking, the people in the courtyard were waiting for Zechariah to come out. They wondered, “Why is he staying in the Temple for such a long time?”
22When Zechariah came out, he was not able to speak to the people. Because he could not talk, he made motions with his hands to try to convey what had happened. Then they realized that he had seen ◄a vision from God/something that God showed him► while he was in the Temple.
23When Zechariah's time to work as a priest in the Temple was finished, he left Jerusalem and returned to his home.
24Some time later his wife Elizabeth became pregnant EUP. She did not leave their house for five months, because she knew that people would laugh at her if she told them that she was pregnant.
25But she thought, “God has enabled me to become pregnant. He has pitied me and I will no longer be ashamed because I have no children!”
26When Elizabeth had been pregnant EUP for almost six months, the angel Gabriel was sent by God {God sent the angel Gabriel} again.
27This time he went to Nazareth town in Galilee district, to a virgin whose name was Mary. It had been { Her parents had} promised that she would marry a man named Joseph, who was descended from King David.
28The angel greeted her and said,“ ◄The Lord/God► is with you (sg) and you will be greatly blessed { has decided to greatly bless you}!”
29But Mary was very confused when she heard that. She wondered what the angel meant by these words.
30Then the angel said to her, “Mary, God is very pleased with you (sg), so do not be afraid.
31You will become pregnant and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus.
32He will become great. He will be called { People will call him} ◄the Son of God/the man who is also God►. God, the Lord, will make him a king MTY as his ancestor King David was.
33He will be the King of the Jews, the descendants MTY of your ancestor Jacob, forever. He will rule as king forever!”
34Then Mary said to the angel, “I am a virgin, so how can I have a baby?”
35The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come to you; the power of God MTY/EUP will overshadow you and enable you to become pregnant. So the child you will bear will be completely set apart {give himself completely} to obey God, and he will be called { people will say that he is} ◄the Son of God/the man who is also God►.
36I also need to tell you something else. Your cousin Elizabeth is very old, and it was thought { people said} that she could not bear any children. But she has been pregnant EUP for almost six months, and will bear a son!
37You should not be surprised at that, because God can do everything!”
38Then Mary said, “All right, I want to serve ◄the Lord/God►, so may what you (sg) have said about me come true!” Then the angel left her.
39Very soon after that, Mary got ready and went quickly to a town in the highlands of Judea district where Zechariah lived.
40She entered his house and greeted his wife Elizabeth.
41As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary greet her, the baby moved inside Elizabeth's womb. The Holy Spirit took complete control of Elizabeth,
42and she said loudly to Mary, “ God has blessed you more than he has blessed any other woman, and he has blessed the child you will bear!
43◄I am not worthy that God would allow you to visit me!/Why is God allowing you to visit me?► RHQ You will be the mother of my Lord!
44I realize this because as soon as I heard you greet me, the baby inside my womb moved because he was so happy that you had come.
45God is pleased with you because you believed that what ◄the Lord/God► told you would come true.”
46Then Mary praised God by saying/singing: “O, how I SYN praise ◄the Lord/God►!
47I am happy because God is the one who saves me.
48I was only his lowly servant girl, but he did not forget me. So from now on, everyone will say that God was pleased with me,
49because they will hear about the things that God MTY, the mighty one, has done for me. He MTY is awesome!

Read Luke 1Luke 1
Compare Luke 1:10-49Luke 1:10-49