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De Nyew Testament - Luke - Luke 12

Luke 12:4-21

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4“Me fren, A tell oona, mus dohn be scaid ob people wa able fa stroy oona body, cause dey ain able fa do no mo den dat. Dey cyahn do nottin tall bout oona soul. So mus dohn be scaid ob dem people.
5A gwine leh oona know head ob time who dat oona mus be scaid ob. Mus feah God. Cause wen e done mek somebody dead, e hab powa fa punish um atta dat, fa chunk dat poson soul eenta hell. Yeah, fa true, oona mus feah God!
6“De sparra wot leetle or nottin. Fibe ob dem cost bout two cent, ainty? Eben so, God dohn neba fagit bout none ob dem sparra, none tall.
7Oona way mo walyable den a whole heapa sparra. De Lawd God done count ebry scran ob hair pon oona head, an e know eben hommuch hair oona got. So den, mus dohn be scaid ob people. God da tek cyah ob oona!”
8Jedus tell um say, “Fa true, anybody wa tell people dat e blongst ta me, de Man wa Come fom God gwine tell God angel dem say, ‘Dat poson dey blongst ta me.’
9Bot anybody wa tell people say, e ain blongst ta me, A gwine tell God angel dem say, ‘Dat one dey ain blongst ta me!’
10“De poson wa taak ginst de Man wa Come fom God, God kin fagib um, bot de poson wa say ebil ting ginst de Holy Sperit, God ain neba gwine fagib um.
11“Wen dey ketch oona fa jedge oona een de Jew meetin house, an dey cyaa oona een front ob de leada dem an tority dem, mus dohn fret bout how oona gwine ansa dem, or wa ting oona gwine say.
12Cause dat same time, de Holy Sperit gwine tell oona wa ting oona spose fa say.”
13One man dey een de crowd tell Jedus say, “Teacha, me fada done dead. A wahn ya fa tell me broda fa wide wid me de propaty we fada lef fa we.”
14Jedus ansa de man say, “Look yah, man, ain nobody sen me fa be no jedge, needa fa be de one fa wide op propaty tween oona.”
15Den Jedus tell all de people say, “A da tell oona head ob time, mus dohn hab de big eye bout nottin. Cause we true life ain medja by de ting dem we got, eben ef we got a whole heapa ting.”
16Den Jedus tell um a paable, say, “One time, one man hab a heapa ting. E hab faam wa mek good crop.
17E study e head, e tink say, ‘Wa A gwine do? A hab sommuch crop, A ain hab no place fa pit all ob um.’
18E tink say, ‘A know wa fa do. A gwine teah down me ole baan an build um mo bigga. A gwine pit all me grain an ting een dey.
19Wen A done do dat, A gwine tell mesef say, ya got plenty ting pit back, all de good ting dem ya gwine need fa plenty yeah fa come. Now den, ya ain need fa warry bout nottin. Mus jes nyam an drink an pledja yasef!’
20God tell de man say, ‘Ya fool! Dis night yah, A gwine tek ya life. Den who gwine git all dem ting yah dat ya beena pit back, fa keep fa yasef?’
21“Dat how e stan fa de people wa jes da pile op plenty ting fa deysef. Dey sho ain rich een de ting dem dat count fa true wid God.”

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