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Plain English Version - Luke - Luke 11

Luke 11:5-43

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5Jesus told his followers a picture story, to teach them how to pray. He said, “Think about this. A man is going on a long trip, and at night he comes to the house where his cousin lives, so he visits him to stay the night with him. But his cousin hasn’t got any food to give him. So his cousin goes out in the middle of the night to his friend’s house, and he knocks on the door and he calls out, ‘Hey, friend, can you give me some food? You see, my cousin has just come, and I’ve got no food to give him. Can you give me some bread?’
7But his friend has already locked his door and gone to bed, with his wife and his kids, and he doesn’t want to get up, so he says, ‘Don’t humbug me now. I’m in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’
8But if that man keeps on knocking and asking for bread, after a while his friend will get up and give him everything he asks for. He will not do it because they are friends. He will do it because that man keeps on asking him.
9So I’m telling you this. Keep on asking God for what you need, and he will give it to you. Keep on looking for what you need, and God will help you find it. Or if something is stopping you, like there is a door that is shut and you can’t get in, keep knocking at that door and God will open it for you.
10You see, everyone that asks God for something will get it. Everyone that looks for something will find it. God will open the door for everyone that knocks on it.
11Some of you are fathers. If your kid asks you for a fish to eat, will you give him a cheeky snake instead? No, of course not.
12Or if your kid asks you for an egg, will you give him a cheeky scorpion instead? No, of course not.
13You see, you might be bad, but you always give good things to your kids. Well, your Father in heaven is a lot better than you, so he is always sure to give you good things. He will send the Holy Spirit to everyone that asks him.”
37Jesus was talking to the people, and a man that belonged to the mob called Pharisees asked him to come to his place for dinner. The Pharisee mob were very strong for the Jewish law.
38The Pharisees made a rule, that whenever anyone wanted to eat a meal, they first had to wash their hands. But Jesus didn’t follow that rule. He didn’t wash his hands. The Pharisee man was shocked.
39So Jesus said to him, “You Pharisee mob are like somebody that only cleans the outside of cups and plates. You only do good things if people can see you, like you are good on the outside. But you are really dirty on the inside. You are greedy, and you are always thinking in your heads about doing very bad things.
40Look, you are really stupid. You forget that God made the inside of you as well as the outside. He can see everything that is inside your heads.
41The right way is like this. You have to think in your heads about poor people and you have to be sorry for them, and you have to give them the things they need. Then God will say that you are clean, on the inside as well as on the outside.
42You mob follow God’s law that says you have to give him a little bit of everything you get. That little bit is one part out of every 10, and we call it a tithe. You do that for everything you get, even the little plants that grow in your garden. But you don’t do the important things that God wants everyone to do. So God will make trouble for you Pharisee mob. You see, you have to be fair to other people, and you have to love God. These are the important things that you have to do, and then you can keep on giving God a proper tithe.
43Yes, God will make trouble for you Pharisee mob. You try to get people to think you are important. Whenever you go to a meeting place you want the good seats that are for important people. And whenever you walk around the shopping places you want people to say hello to you in a good way, the way they talk to important people.

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