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Bible in Basic English - Leviticus - Leviticus 11

Leviticus 11:16-30

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16And the ostrich and the night-hawk and the sea-hawk, and birds of that sort;
17And the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl;
18And the water-hen and the pelican and the vulture;
19The stork and the heron, and birds of that sort, and the hoopoe and the bat.
20Every winged four-footed thing which goes on the earth is disgusting to you;
21But of the winged four-footed things, those which have long legs for jumping on the earth you may have for food;
22Such as all the different sorts of locust.
23But all other winged four-footed things which go on the earth are disgusting to you.
24By these you will be made unclean; anyone touching their dead bodies will be unclean till evening:
25Whoever takes away the dead body of one of them is to have his clothing washed, and will be unclean till evening.
26Every beast, in the horn of whose foot there is not a complete division, and whose food does not come back, is unclean to you: anyone touching one of these will be unclean.
27Any four-footed beast which goes on the ball of its foot, is unclean to you: anyone touching the dead body of one of these will be unclean till evening.
28Anyone who takes away the dead body of one of these is to have his clothing washed and be unclean till evening.
29And these are unclean to you among things which go low down on the earth; the weasel and the mouse and the great lizard, and animals of that sort;
30And the ferret and the land crocodile and the lizard and the sand-lizard and the chameleon.

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Compare Leviticus 11:16-30Leviticus 11:16-30