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Translation for Translators - Joshua - Joshua 13

Joshua 13:18-24

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18Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath,
19Kiriathaim, Sibmah, Zereth-Shahar on the hill overlooking the valley,
20Beth-Peor, the hills in the Pisgah area, and Beth-Jeshimoth.
21That land included all the towns on the plain and all the area that King Sihon had previously ruled. But the army of Moses had defeated him and the rulers of the Midian people-group: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. The armies of all those rulers fought battles along with the army of Sihon, and they lived in that country.
22The Israeli army killed many people during those battles, including Balaam, the prophet from Beor, who tried to use magic to predict/tell what would happen in the future.
23The western boundary of the land that was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Reuben was the Jordan River.
24Moses also allotted some land to each clan in the tribe of Gad.

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