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Bogtag we ye Tefoy - John - John 5

John 5:3-32

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3Ye cholop cho tomay le re yol fedal fael branda kowe, le rechoka re metafis mo rechoka ye mes pecher mo rechoka re mahatgut.
5Ye mel semal mal loboswe le sa silig mo waluw raeg yal tomay.
6Jesus ye wiri we ye yol loboswe, ngo ye gola le sa sulay yael mal we tomay; iwe yesa kasiya bo, “Ho dipli le be chuy yam tomay?”
7Mal we ye tomay sa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Tor le ma hasiyeylong lal chael le melap irel yodla yema gupgupdah, iy be chil ye yeyedamgel bo iy be bulong, ngo sa hamolong semal mo imoy.”
8Jesus yesa kangalu bo, “Sudah, hosa hasi chob la giyem hosa darloh.”
9Yodwe chog ngo yesa chuy yael mal we tomay, yesa hasi chob we giyal sa chap yal darloh. Ralawe ila Sabbath.
10Iwe tamol kowe yar Jews resa kangalu mal we yesa chuy yal tomay bo, “Igla ila Sabbath ngo ye tafel ngal yach Hatobtob le hobe hasi chob la giyem hosa dar fedal.”
11Mal we yesa sor bo, “Mal we ye hachuya yai tomay ye kangaluyey bo iy be hasi chob le giyey isa loh.”
12Resa kasiya, “Itey iy mal la ye kangalug bo hobe faor mele?”
13Iwe ngo mal we sa chuy yal tomay ye togla le iy mele Jesus, bo ye cholop yarmat loboswe ngo mal we ye tay wiriloh Jesus.
14Yela wol miril ngo Jesus sala wiri mal we mo lal Templum we ngo yesa kangalu bo, “Kaladoh, igla ila sa chuy yam tomay; ligdi molfid kala homa foru bo de wel ngalug sew formel le be kkel tot mo imol iwe.”
15Iwe ngo mal we sa loh sala kangalur tamol kowe yar Jews bo Jesus molwe ye hachuya yal tomay.
16Iwe sa chap yar foru mekla yebe weres Jesus iyang bo fael molwe ye hachuya yael mal we tomay rall Sabbath.
17Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Mala Temay ila pangal yad ngo yema yengang loh chog, ila ngang ibe wol yengang.”
18Hapatpat we Jesus ye sor mele sa kkel deper tamol kowe yar Jews bo rebe limeseloh iyang. Te mil chog molwe ye hetawsi molwe Hatobtobol Sabbath bo wol mil molwe ye sor bo Deus ila spegil Temal. Mele sa foru ila ye wochog molwe iy yesa hafedeg ngal Deus.
19Iwe Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ibe kangalugmi mala tosal: tor mele be yoh le mala Lol be foruloh chog llufulyal; yema foru chog mekla ye wiri le mala Temal yema foru. Mekla mala Temal yema foru ila ikla chog mekla mala Lol yema wol foru.
20Mala Temal ye hachangi mala Lol le yesa kkewar ngali pangal mekla iy yema foru. Yebe kkewar ngali mekla ye palleng tot mo imol mele bo yebe foru, iwe ngo pangami ngo habe lluwdah iyang.
21Mala Temal yema hamolowa tefalir chomes. Iwe ngo wol ila sengal mala Lol bo yema fang molow ngalir rechokla ye dipli be fang ngalir.
22Tay mala Temal mele yema hatugulu kofer yarmat. Bo yesa fang kkelel mala Lol bo iy mele be ma hatugulu,
23bo fael mala pangal yarmat ngo rebe hasrowu mala Lol le be wochog yar ma hasrowu mala Temal. Iwe ngo semal le be te hassaro mala Lol, ila ngo yete hassaro mala Temal le ye fangdiy iy.
24“Ibe kangalugmi mala tosal: te tugul semal le ye talenga meka yaloy ngo ye chepar ngal yeramtala ye fangdoh ngang ngo yebe yoh ngali molow la tor siyal. Iy ila sa tugul kofal bo yesa chuy mo irel maes sa loh luwul molow.
25Iy be kangalugmi mala tosal: sa bubudoh yodla — sa hola yodla chomes rebe rongrong yalol mala Lol Deus, ngo rechokla re rongrong ila rebe molow tefael.
26Mala Temal mele chapil molow. Iwe ngo sa wol foru mala Lol bo yebe mel bo chapil molow.
27Yesa fang kkelel mala Lol bo yebe hatugulu kofer yarmat bo iy mala Lol ila iy molwe Layur Retalop.
28Ha towe lluwdah irel mele: sa bubudoh yodla panger chomes ngo rebe rongrong yalol,
29iwe ngo re bele buyoy mo lal mekla peyer: Rechokla re momay ila re bele molow tefael, ngo rechokla re tayikof ila re bele molow tefael ngo ye bele holar yar hagerger.
30“Tor mele be yoh le ibe foru le ibe tapeli chog kkeley llufulyey. Yai ma hatugul ila ima dabey chog mala Deus ye kangaluyey. Mekla ima hatugulu ila ye bung, bo itema luluwaley bo ibe foru mekla ngang idipli. Ima foru chog mekla yeramtala ye fangdoh ngang ye dipli.
31“Hare ngang chog woal halongoy yai hatosiya kofay ila ngo ha towe itol le ila mala katosol.
32Bo ye mel semal le iy mele yema hatosiya kofay, iwe ngo ngang igula le mekla yema sor bo kofai ila ye katos.

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Compare John 5:3-32John 5:3-32