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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - John - John 5

John 5:24-41

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24In truth I tell you that the person who listens to my message and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come under condemnation, but has already passed out of death into life.
25In truth I tell you that a time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the dead will listen to the voice of the Son of God, and when those who listen will live.
26For, just as the Father has inherent life within him, so also he has granted to the Son to have inherent life within him;
27and, because he is Son of Man, he has also given him authority to act as judge.
28Do not wonder at this; for the time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice,
29and will come out — those who have done good rising to life, and those who have lived evil lives rising for condemnation.
30I can do nothing of myself; I judge as I am taught; and the judgment that I give is just, because my aim is not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
31“If I bear testimony to myself, my testimony is not trustworthy;
32it is another who bears testimony to me, and I know that the testimony which he bears to me is trustworthy.
33You have yourselves sent to John, and he has testified to the truth.
34But the testimony which I receive is not from people; I am saying this for your salvation.
35He was the Lamp that was burning and shining, and you were ready to rejoice, for a time, in his light.
36But the testimony which I have is of greater weight than John's; for the work that the Father has given me to carry out — the work that I am doing — is in itself proof that the Father has sent me as his messenger.
37The Father who has sent me has himself borne testimony to me. You have neither listened to his voice, not seen his form;
38and you have not taken his message home to your hearts, because you do not believe him whom he sent as his messenger.
39You search the scriptures, because you think that you find in them immortal life; and, though it is those scriptures that bear testimony to me,
40you refuse to come to me to have life.
41“I do not receive honor from people,

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