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Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot - Jems

Jems 5

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1Marut wuss tamoh tamoht mfro yak yakhato thu tibmonwa yimako, wawanyswakomt na kforuha mrokfot. Niko ndhtet yimako, niko tu bro kaht yirahko. Ndnettn niko bi wanur hifa bohifa hanyko.
2Niko tamoh tamoht yak yakhato thu tib-monwat, yoh nasoh bonasohraht, yoh tmbra botmbraraht, yoh dbotna bodbotnaraht, binef wingrt yerahtt, yo hmbre wuss dmt yerahtt.
3Nikmoh marut yak yakhato htewat riyikia dhntahato yindengtn ki hmbrirahtm. Nd yindengtn tafontn htaruhattko Bro Nkifrar htihato bro kaht htarahrko. Wuroh yihar bi brbo rhu hanyetrn to tfit nd yonmari yonmari wuss tamoh tamoht yak yakhato hta tibmon furewukomt.
4Wawany marnyako! Yimam yakmokomn nikmoh mswirroh kiprt kfnah furahemomko. Nhai wiknarmokomm. Rroh hingrnefthu maruham kfo nurwohat, tu yura myorhekwa Bro Nungothetr bi wanukr.
5Niko ndar bbinysoft tohmohat, tukmoh toh nmbuharpat dukahato bi marut wuss tamoh tamoht yak yak-hato bi tohmokomt. Yeshrt bi ye warho marnyamokomn to bi nikmoh was yihayer bi.
6Dborioh mgogra yimam be kotim furahato wasmo-komm. To rom nhai nikmoh nambu-rpam frdbfaknihato tawo finji nar-momko.
7Bar yinouroko, yimam wom tamoh nefm newumko, niko be yak marsisakfot. Yima yuhum be noh hmbrehato Bro Nungothetrhu nia yihar rhu gari hasokfot. Niko bi tawisafeteko. Yimar mswir htahato kangr, wuritwam tamohm ayak ayeya, afo katwinworm. Nd wuritwa ye yima yuhur afo kak tkaf kihwarr kangr, afo buriyohri marr afo yakkahtfm wuri suhm afo muhrahm. Nd dukefrpno afo katwinworm. Bi yak yiboneheme kekworm.
8Ndnettn niko tamoh tamoh krhopam yakneft be yima yuhum yak tkaf kihhato noh hmbre yima yuhumpno rhuhato rhu duka gari hasokfot. Bro Nungothetrhu nia yihar bi brbohwor.
9Bar yinouroko, mirahko wom Kristenm kfo gungmiohhato yiro yiro harhunomm. Bro Nkifrar htiruharn mrokfetko rhurahko. Nd mrokfo yaki-tohyuk yimar bi tor bi kuny yifhatikt tohwor.
10Bar yinouroko, wamdukak hanyswakomm profetroh tndhm. Brorhu yufat kfo ptha htfasmoahat faso faso kak bebmoumm. To rom nhai krhopam htihato riwohsisakrmom. Nhai. Yak marsisahato nd krhopam tohhato titamoumm. Niko to nd yuhat hikkfot.
11Wawanyko. Nom kfo kangnom, yimam toh bmtahato tamoh tamoh krhopam titiwam, kfo yindhor kangnomm, ndm tu tpiyetmn tohhato krhopam titewumm. To wanymokomt Jofrhu tndht. Ror tamoh krhopam niayukm ror yak marsisahato tohmorn nd krhopam niayukm titamorm. To Jofr inji namohat, to Bror finji namorr? To kto Bror dborioh nefm namorr Jofr. To tot inji Brorhu neft. Bror tu mfro yima yuhuwafhato yima yak marnyeter.
12Bar yinouroko, bro mrokfot akfo nuhasanko. Wommpno tamoh mrokfom o tamoh nefmpno mrokfom nayak dbkafneft, mirahko yura hefenr o bbinysoft o tamoht yutahato mrokfom ayak dbkafnomm. Bi kfo yakiokfot bi kfikomt to be injirpa, o bi kfo namhikfot bi kfikomt to be injirpa. Bro Nkifrar mirahko auyutakahnomn mrokfot ayak dbkafnomt. Inji narahko to be tukomn htkotrahko.
13Nikmoh womr tamoh krhopeter, nd yimar Bro Nkifrarpno akfo bruttna-twar. O, be yindhorhato korhr, nd yimar Bro Nkifrarhu windohm yakhato windoh yindhorkfot.
14Wom yimar dbohnetere, nd yimar sioshu tohak yimam nakuyakhato romn kahpam htanihato akfo bruttnatwamr. Akfo bruttnakahtmr marnyanirahr.
15Bro Nkifrarko bro dukefm hta mif mifhato kfo bruttnaneft, Bro Nungothetr nd yimarhu dbohneft yak marnyahato tfit yak kasinyarahrr. Yo nd yimar wom fasoh nefm rhuneft, Bro Nungothetr yak thuhirahrr rorhu fasoh nefm.
16Ndnettn niko tuko Kristenko tuko nakfo nriyaf nuhaskfot nikmoh tamoh tamoh nefenm. Womm wanyhiruhamko, romn kfo bruttna wuthafhiruhatmko ee tamoh dbohnefm rhuyukm thu trohrahmko. Yimar kfo bruttnayukr tu dborioh yimar kfo bruttnarahr, htirahnt nd kfo bruttna nmbuhat bbukefett rhuraht.
17Iraijar, ndar nom kanjohot yimar kfo bruttnamohat buriohrhu nia duhaneft, uwa, buriohr nhai niarmor husfirpa yuhut gunyjimmi wom gunyjimrhu 6-pela yamm.
18Tfit kfo bruttnamor buriohrhu tfit nianeft, ee buriohr tfit niahato mswirroh yeshrim bupam yakhato sinya marnyamom.

19Bar yinouroko, wom Kristen yimar Bro Nkifrarhu tu yafothet mro-kfot myafhonihato bi nndoh yuhat bi yiyetr, tfit wom Kristenr yihato rorn womr yakhato tur toh tanyuk tkitt rim hterr, nd yimar inji nayukr, dborioh neft namor. Rorn ndwom yimarhu yafothat bi Maringou yuhat tohett, rorn tfit fakhemorr.
20To mrokfot waduka hanyswakomt, wom yimar fasoh fasoh nefmn tohetr, to wom frohrn yihato kfo famurr, “Wurene, nd ni yita yihotat fasoh yihotat bi kitn. Wania ndar dborioh yuhat ainyo.” Nd yimar inji nayukr, rorn ndwom yimarhu yafothat bi Maringou yuhat tohett, rorn tfit fakhemorr. Yakhemotrr be nd yimarhu fasoh fasoh nefm Bro Nkifrar be mong trohhirahrr. Boknambok nefm nd yimar nayukm mong trohhirahrr.