6Their love, hatred, and envy have vanished long ago. They will never have a place again in anything done under the sun.
7Go your way, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of celebrating good works.
8Let your clothes be always white and your head anointed with oil.
9Live happily with the wife whom you love all the days of your life of uselessness, the days that God has given you under the sun during your days of uselessness. That is your reward in life for your work under the sun.
10Whatever your hand finds to do, work at it with your strength, because there is no work or explanation or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, where you are going.
11I have seen some interesting things under the sun: The race does not belong to swift people. The battle does not belong to strong people. Bread does not belong to wise people. Riches do not belong to people of understanding. Favor does not belong to people of knowledge. Instead, time and chance affect them all.
12Surely, no one knows when his time will come. As fish are caught in a deadly net, or birds are caught in a snare, the children of human beings are ensnared by evil times that suddenly fall upon them.
13I have also seen wisdom under the sun in a way that seemed great to me.