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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - 1st Peter

1st Peter 2

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1Therefore put ye away all malice, and all guile, and feignings or simulations, and envies, and all backbitings or all detractions;
2as now born young children, reasonable, without guile, covet ye (the) milk of full teaching, that in it ye wax into health (or so that by it ye grow in your salvation);
3if nevertheless ye have tasted, that the Lord is sweet.
4And nigh ye to him, that is a living stone, and reproved of men, but chosen of God, and honoured; (And come near to him, who is a living stone, and rebuked and rejected by men, but chosen and honoured by God;)
5and yourselves as quick stones (or and yourselves like living stones), be ye above builded into spiritual houses, and an holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
6For which thing the scripture saith, Lo! I shall set in Sion or I shall put in Sion the highest cornerstone, chosen and precious; and he that shall believe in him, shall not be confounded. (For which thing the Scripture saith, Behold! I shall put in Zion the highest cornerstone, chosen and precious; and he who shall believe in him, shall not be shamed.)
7Therefore honour to you that believe; but to men that believe not, the stone whom the builders reproved, this is made into the head of the corner; (And so honour to you who believe; but to those who do not believe, the stone which the builders rejected, this is made into the head of the corner;)
8and the stone of hurting, and the stone of stumbling, to them that offend to the word (or to those who stumble at the word), neither believe it, in which they be set.
9But ye be a chosen kin or Forsooth ye be a kind (that was) chosen, a kingly priesthood, (a) holy folk, a people of purchasing, that ye tell the virtues of him, that called you from darknesses into his wonderful light, (or so that ye tell out his praises, he who called you from darkness into his wonderful light).
10Which sometime were not a people of God, but now ye be the people of God; which had not mercy, but now ye have mercy.
11Most dear (ones), I beseech you, as comelings, or as guests, (or as newcomers), and pilgrims, to abstain you from fleshly desires, that fight against the soul;
12and have ye your conversation or your life good among heathen men, that in that thing that they backbite of you, as of mis-doers, they behold you of good works, and glorify God in the day of visitation. (and live a good life among the Gentiles, so that in those things in which they now slander you, as mis-doers, they shall instead see your good works, and glorify God on the Day of Visitation.)
13Be ye subject to each creature of man, for God, (or Be subject to each creation, or to each institution of man, for God); either to the king, as to him that is higher or is more worthy in state,
14either to dukes, as to those that be sent of him to the vengeance of mis-doers, and to the praising of good men or of good deeds.
15For so is the will of God, that ye do well, and make the uncunningness, (or the unknowingness, or the ignorance) of unprudent men or of unwise men to be dumb (or to be silent).
16As free men, and not as having freedom the covering of malice, but as the servants of God.
17Honour ye all men, love ye (the) brotherhood, dread ye God (or have fearful reverence toward God), honour ye the king.
18Servants, be ye subject in all dread to (your) lords, not only to good and to mild (ones), but also to tyrants. (Servants, be subject in all fear or with all due respect, or reverence, for your lords, not only to good and to meek ones, but also to tyrants.)

19For this is grace, if for conscience of God any man suffereth heavinesses or sorrows, and suffereth unjustly.
20For what grace is it, if ye sin, and be buffeted, and suffer? But if ye do well, and suffer patiently, this is grace with God.
21For to this thing ye be called. For also Christ suffered for us, and left (an) ensample to you, that ye follow the steps of him. (For to this ye be called. For the Messiah also suffered for us, and left an example for you, so that ye follow his steps.)
22Which did not sin, neither guile was found in his mouth. (Who did not sin, nor was a lie ever found in his mouth, or nor did a lie ever come out of his mouth.)
23And when he was cursed, he cursed not; when he suffered, he menaced not; but he betook himself to him, that deemed him unjustly. (And when he was cursed, he did not curse back; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he delivered himself unto him, who judged him unjustly.)
24And he himself bare or suffered our sins in his body on a tree, (so) that we be dead to sins, and live to rightwiseness, by whose wan wound ye be healed.
25For ye were as sheep erring, but ye be now turned to the shepherd or but ye be converted now to the shepherd, and (the) bishop (or the High Priest) of your souls.