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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - 1st Kings - 1st Kings 4

1st Kings 4:23-26

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23ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen of the pasture, and an hundred wethers, besides hunting of harts, of goats, and of bugles, and of birds made fat.
24For he held all the country that was beyond the flood, as from Tiphsah unto Azzah, and all the kings of those countries; and he had peace by each part in compass.
25And Judah and Israel dwelled without any dread, each man under his vine, and under his fig tree, from Dan unto Beersheba, in all the days of Solomon.
26And Solomon had forty thousand cratches of horses for chariots, and twelve thousand of road horses;

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Compare 1st Kings 4:23-261st Kings 4:23-26