1A few more things: Brothers and sisters, we plead with you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to behave in ways that please God, just as we instructed you. Of course you're already doing this, just do it more and more!
2You remember the instructions we gave you on behalf of the Lord Jesus.
3What God wants is for you to live holy lives. So stay away from sexual immorality
4in order that each of you may control yourselves in a way that is holy and respectful,
5not indulging passionate lust like the heathen who have no knowledge of God.
6Don't cheat or take advantage of another Christian in these matters, for the Lord is the one who executes justice in all such things, as we've already clearly explained to you, and warned you about.
7For God did not call us to live impure lives, but holy lives.
8So anyone who rejects this position isn't just rejecting what a human being is saying; they are rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
9We certainly don't need to write and tell you to love fellow believers, because God teaches you to love one another—
10and in fact you are demonstrating this love to all the believers throughout Macedonia. Even so we want to encourage you, brothers and sisters, to love more and more.
11Try to live a quiet life, minding your own business, doing your own work, as we've already explained to you,
12so that your way of life may be respected by non-Christians and you won't have to rely on anyone to provide what you need.
13We don't want you to be confused about what happens when people die, brothers and sisters, so that you won't grieve like others who don't have any hope.
14Since we're convinced that Jesus died and rose again, we're also sure that God will bring with Jesus those who have died trusting in him.
15What we're telling you comes from the Lord: those of us who are alive and still here when the Lord comes certainly won't precede those who have died.
16For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the cry of the archangel, and with the sound of God's trumpet, and those who have died in Christ will rise first.
17Then those of us who are alive and still here will be carried up together with them into the clouds, and we shall meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever!
18So encourage one another with these words.