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Bogtag we ye Tefoy - 1 Peter

1 Peter 1

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1Babior le ila ye budoh mo irel Pedrus le lol Jesus Kristus apostel le yal ngalir rechokla Deus ye sa duwler bo lol, le resa chuy mo irel molwe spegil faluyer re sala memel wol Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, mo Bithynia.
2Deus le Temach yesa duwlehmi bo habe yengang ngali ngo ye foru bo habe santus irel mala kamelal Espritu Santus bo habe hasrowu Jesus Kristus ngo yebe chuy molfidmi le fael molwe iy ye mes woal krud. Deus yebe holbuwahmi ngo ye fang ngalugmi haradia mo hopos la yal.
3Sibe kangalu Deus le iy Temal Samol we yach Jesus Kristus yal hachigchig bo fael yael iy Deus hachangi gich iwe ye sala fang ngalgich molow le ye tefoy mo irel yal hamolowa tefaeli Jesus Kristus mo irel maes. Iwe ye sala luglug depach irel mokwe iy ye hatugulu ngalgich.
4Ila gich sibe yetedah chog depach woal mmal kala ye mel woal laeng le Deus yesa hatugulu bo yebe fang ngalir mekla lol. Mmal kala ila ye haliliya wol laeng irel lobola ye towe towas hare ye moaloh mo iyang.
5Pangal meka ngo yami rechokla ye luglug dipmi irel Kristus iwe ngo Deus ye kekefalugmi irel mala kkamlal irel molow la yebe kawraloh wol ralla hartael ral.
6Yebe kel yami rraey irel pangal meka foriyel Deus le ila mwo igla ngo be tayikof dipmi irel yodle ha mel luwul pangal metmetael weres kala ha hafohoy iyang.
7Hafohoy kala yami mele yebe kawraloh lepal kelel yami tugul. Hoal mwo ngo ye le ma yoh le yebe towas, ngo rema hagela ngal yaef. Ila tugulul ladep la yami le ye paleng tot pelal mo imol hoal, ila rebe hagela bo yebe kel ngo ye mmoch ngalugmi. Iwe ngo yebe yoh ngalugmi hapingping mo ssor mo falmay la yael Deus woal Ralla Jesus Kristus yebe budoh iyang.
8Ila mwo hated wiri ngo ha hachangi! Ngo ila mwo igla le ha tuwiri ngo ha chepar irel. Ila yebe paleng yami rraey le towe mmal le sibe hamdefa mala wululul mo irel yach hapatpat,
9bo fael mala ye bele molow mekla ngulmi le fael tugulul ladep kala yami irel Jesus Kristus.
10Profeta kowe re luluwaley hamayi kofael iy molow le iwe ngo resa kapta kofal iy kefang le Deus ye be fang ngalugmi.
11Re luluwaley bo rebe gola hare yinged iy yodla, ngo be ifa sengal yal la budoh. Espritu Santus la lamliyel Kristus we ye mel uwor profeta kowe irel yodle, mele ye sor hafohoy kala be hola Kristus, iwe mo falmay la bela budoh mo wol miril.
12Deus ye kewar ngalir profeta ka le yengang kala yar ila te mmaler chog, bo wol mmalmi irel yar kekapta kofael mekla hami hasa rongrong igla mo irer rechokla re kekpata Hapatpat Momay we irel mala kkamelal Espritu Santus le ye bidiy mo wol laeng. Ika tot formel le angelus mwo ngo re dipli be rebe medaf iyang.
13Ila habe hafle yami luluwal bo habe paoy le ha faesul fel ngo ha yetedah chog dipmi uwol yolbuw la yebe yoh ngalugmi irel yodla be budoh Jesus Kristus iyang.
14Ha taelenga yalol Deus. Ha towe dabey chog mekla ha faesul foforudoh mo imol yodwe ha gola Jesus Kristus iyang.
15Habe mel le habe santus irel pangal meka hama foru le be igegel chog yal santus Deus we iy mele ye fesangugmi.
16Bo iwe ye teftaf lal babior we ye santus we ye sor bo, “Habe mel le habe santus, bo ngang ila iy santus.”
17Irel yodla habe mapel ngal Deus ngo habe hama fesangu ngali bo Tammi le iy mele yema hatugulu kofael semal mo semal le ye dabey felel mekla semal mo semal ye ma foru ngo ye hafidgi loh chog pangal yarmat. Ila habe hasrowu Deus pangal yodol irel yodle ha molow wol talop le iyang.
18Hami ngo ha gola mele paliyel yami tal mo irel mokwe kkor chapdoh kowe yami we hami ha faesul dedabedoh chog. Mele ila te sew formel ka yema towas le tappel hoal mo silver.

19Hami ila hasa daor le yagel molwe Kristus ye fang iy bo sew maligach le ye palleng; iy iwe ye wochog semal saaf kowe tor derel.
20Imol yodwe Deus yebe foru talop le, ngo yesa faesul hatugulu le Kristus mele yebe hadorahmi irel yodle yesa harpagich mala haygugul loh pangal formel.
21Iy Kristus mele hasa chepar irel Deus we iy mele ye hamolowa tefaeli Kristus mo irel maes ngo ye fang ngali falmay. Yami tugulul ladep mo luglug ila be mel chog irel Deus.
22Iwe ngo igla irel yami taelenga yalol babior we ye santus ila yesa chuy fael molfidmi, ngo hasa mel le hasa tugul. Iye mele ye foru ye sala mmal le hami habe hachangir mekla wochilami. Ila habe hachangi fengalugmi le be ila wey mo lal bulumi depemi.
23Bo irel pedal mala yalol Deus le tor siyal, mele ye sala yoh ngalugmi sew molow le ye tefoy bo habe mel bo lol Deus le ye mel le tor siyal.
24Bo iwe babior we ye santus ye sor bo, “Yarmat ila re wochog fadil, iwe ngo mala kamdidiyer ila ye wochog floras. Yema betbatloh fadil kowe ngo yesa pungdiy mokwe floresal wototol,
25iwe ngo pedal mala yalol Samol ila yebe mel chog le tor siyal.” Hapatpat le ila Hapatpat Momay we resa foloyu ngalugmi.