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Jaʼ ti achʼ Testamento: jaʼ scʼopilal ti Jesucristoe jaʼ ti Jcoltavanej cuʼuntique - SUN LUCAS - SUN LUCAS 22

SUN LUCAS 22:35-38

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35Ti Jesuse hech lic yalbe scotolic: ―C'alal laj jtacoxuc batel mu'yuc ataq'uin, mu'yuc ave'el, mu'yuc asempat, ¿mi oy c'usi muc xataic? ―xut. Hech itac'avic: ―Mu'yuc palta laj ca'itutic ―xchiic.
36Ti Jesuse hech lic yalbe: ―Hech chaj c'u che'el ti soldadoetique chchapan sbaic yu'un chba spasic pleito, chich'ic batel staq'uinic xchi'uc sve'elic xchi'uc yespadaic, ja' no'ox hech tsc'an uc ti ora to. Tsc'an ti oy xch'unojel avo'ntonique yu'un hech chcuch avu'unic ti chacontrainatique.
37Hech yu'un ti hech chacalbeic, yu'un ti ora to persa hech chc'ot jc'opilal hech chaj c'u che'el ts'ibabil comel jc'opilal: “Chchapanat hech chaj c'u che'el jmulavil”, ti xchie. Yu'un ti hech ts'ibabil comel ti jc'opilale, persa chc'ot ti pasel ―xchi ti Jesuse.
38Hech lic yalic: ―Cajval, li'oy cha'ch'ix espada ―xchiic. Hech itac'av ti Cajvaltique: ―Ta yutsil ―xchi. Yu'un ti hech itac'av ti Cajvaltique yu'un ac'o lajuc sc'opilal yu'un muc x'a'ibat sjam ti sc'ope.

Compare SUN LUCAS 22:35-38SUN LUCAS 22:35-38