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Jaʼ ti achʼ Testamento: jaʼ scʼopilal ti Jesucristoe jaʼ ti Jcoltavanej cuʼuntique - SUN LUCAS - SUN LUCAS 19

SUN LUCAS 19:6-10

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6Ti ora iyal tal ti Zaqueoe. Nichim no'ox yo'nton laj yic' batel te ti sna ti Jesuse.
7Mu xtun laj yilic ti crixchanoetique yu'un ti te ibat ti Jesuse yu'un sna'ojic ti mero jlo'lavanej ti Zaqueoe.
8Ti Zaqueoe laj sva'an sba ti stojol ti Cajvaltique, hech lic yalbe: ―A'yo me ava'i, Cajval, chcac'be o'loluc jc'ulejal ti me'onetique. Mi oy much'u laj jlo'labe staq'uin, ti jsutesbe chanib vuelta ―xchi.
9Ti Jesuse hech lic yalbe: ―Ti ora to nacolic xa xchi'uc sjunul ana. Ti ora to mero yelnich'on Abraham nac'ot yu'un co'ol oy xch'unojel avo'nton xchi'uc.
10Yu'un ho'on ti co'ol crixchanoucutique, tal jsa' scotol ti much'u ch'ayeme. Tal jcolta ―xchi ti Jesuse.

Compare SUN LUCAS 19:6-10SUN LUCAS 19:6-10