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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Romans - Romans 2

Romans 2:4-16

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4Or do you think lightly of his abundant kindness, patience, and forbearance, not realising that his kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
5Hard-hearted and impenitent as you are, you are storing up for yourself wrath on the day of wrath, when God's justice as a judge will be revealed;
6for he will give to everyone what their actions deserve.
7To those who, by perseverance in doing good, aim at glory, honour, and all that is imperishable, he will give immortal life;
8while as to those who are factious, and disobedient to truth but obedient to evil, wrath and anger, distress and despair,
9will fall on every human being who persists in wrong-doing — on the Jew first, but also on the Greek.
10But there will be glory, honour, and peace for everyone who does right — for the Jew first, but also for the Greek,
11since God shows no partiality.
12All who, when they sin, are without Law will also perish without Law; while all who, when they sin, are under Law, will be judged as being under Law.
13It is not those who hear the words of a Law that are righteous before God, but it is those who obey it that will be pronounced righteous.
14When Gentiles, who have no Law, do instinctively what the Law requires, they, though they have no Law, are a Law to themselves;
15for they show the demands of the Law written on their hearts; their consciences corroborating it, while in their thoughts they argue either in self-accusation or, it may be, in self-defence —
16on the day when God passes judgement on people's inmost lives, as the good news that I tell declares that he will do through Christ Jesus.

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