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Tyndale New Testament - Romans - Romans 10

Romans 10:8-14

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8But what sayth the scripture? The worde is nye the even in thy mouth and in thyn herte. This worde is the worde of fayth which we preache.
9For yf thou shalt knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the lorde and shalt beleve with thyn hert that God raysed him up from deeth thou shalt be safe.
10For the belefe of the hert iustifieth: and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe.
11For the scripture sayth: whosoever beleveth on him shall not be ashamed.
12Ther is no difference bitwene the Iewe and the gentyll. For one is Lorde of all which is ryche vnto all that call on him.
13For whosoever shall call on the name of the lorde shalbe safe.
14But how shall they call on him on who they beleved not? how shall they beleve on him of whom they have not herde? how shall they heare with out a preacher?

Read Romans 10Romans 10
Compare Romans 10:8-14Romans 10:8-14