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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 86

Psalms 86:11-17

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11Lord, lead thou me forth in thy way, and I shall enter in thy truth; mine heart be glad, that it dread thy name. (Lord, lead thou me forth in thy way, and I shall walk in thy truth; let my heart be glad, that I fear thy name or that I revere thy name.)
12My Lord God, I shall acknowledge to thee in all mine heart; and I shall glorify thy name into without end. (My Lord God, I shall praise thee with all my heart; and I shall glorify thy name forever.)
13For thy mercy is great on me; and thou deliveredest my soul from the lower hell. (For thy love is great towards me; and thou hast rescued my soul from the depths of Sheol, or the land of the dead, or and thou hast rescued my soul from the grave itself.)
14God, wicked men have risen upon me; and the synagogue of mighty men have sought my life; and they have not set forth thee in their sight. (God, the wicked have risen against me; and a company of mighty men have sought my life; and they have no thought of thee.)
15And thou, Lord God, doing mercy, and merciful; patient, and of much mercy, and soothfast. (But thou, Lord, art a God who giveth love, and art merciful; yea, thou art patient, and hath great love, and art faithful.)
16Behold on me, and have mercy on me, give thou the empire to thy servant; and make thou safe the son of thine handmaid. (Turn to me, and have mercy on me; give thou thy strength to thy servant, and save thou the son of thy servantess.)
17Make thou with me a sign in(to) good, that they see, that hate me, and be ashamed, (or Show thou me a sign of thy goodness, so that those who hate me can see it, and be ashamed); (yea), for thou, Lord, hast helped me or hast holpen me, and hast comforted me.

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Compare Psalms 86:11-17Psalms 86:11-17