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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 83

Psalms 83:1-6

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1The song of the psalm of Asaph. God, who shall be like thee? God, be thou not still, neither be thou peaced. (A psalm, yea, a song by Asaph. God, be thou not silent. Yea, God, be thou not still, nor hold thy peace.)
2For lo! thine enemies sounded; and they that hate thee raised the head. (For behold! thy enemies have raised a ruckus; and those who hate thee have raised up their heads in revolt, (or in defiance).)
3They made a wicked counsel on thy people; and they thought against thy saints. (They made wicked plans against thy people; yea, they thought together against thy saints.)
4They said, Come ye, and lose we them from the folk; and the name of Israel be no more had in mind. (They said, Come ye, and let us destroy their nation; and then the name of Israel shall no more be remembered.)
5For they thought with one accord; (For they thought with one accord; they proposed together a plan against thee or they conspired to work together against thee;)
6the tabernacles of Idumeans, and men of Ishmael disposed a testament together against thee. Moab, and Hagarenes, (yea, the families of the Edomites, and the Ishmaelites; and the Moabites, and the Hagarenes;)

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