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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 73

Psalms 73:8-19

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8They thought and spake waywardness; they spake wickedness on high (or they spoke wickedness out loud).
9They putted their mouth into heaven; and their tongue passed in earth. (They put their mouths against heaven; and their tongues went about over all the earth.)
10Therefore my people shall be turned again here; and full days shall be found in them. (And so my people followed them; and found nothing to condemn them for.)
11And they said, How knoweth God; and whether knowing is on high? (And they said, How could God know? how can the Most High have any knowledge of this?)
12Lo! those sinners and having abundance in the world; (they) held riches.
13And I said, Therefore without cause I justified mine heart; and washed mine hands among innocents. (And I said, And so I have keep my heart pure, and I have kept my hands clean, all for nothing or all in vain.)
14And I was beaten all day; and my chastising was in morrowtides. (Yea, all day long I am beaten down; and I am punished every morning.)
15If I said, I shall tell thus; lo! I have reproved the nation of thy sons. (If I had said, I shall talk as they do; behold! I would have brought reproach upon the nation of thy children.)
16I guessed, that I should know this; (but too much) travail is before me. (I tried to work through all of this; but it was too much for me.)
17Till I enter into the saintuary of God; and understand in the last things of them. (Until I entered into the sanctuary of God; and there I understood their last things, that is, their end.)
18Nevertheless for guiles thou hast put to them; thou castedest them down, while they were raised. (For thou shalt put them in slippery places; thou shalt throw them down, after they be raised up.)
19How be they made into desolation; they failed suddenly, they perished for their wickedness/for their waywardness. (How they shall go into desolation! they shall suddenly fail, and they shall perish for all their wickedness or for all their wayward ways.)

Read Psalms 73Psalms 73
Compare Psalms 73:8-19Psalms 73:8-19