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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 68

Psalms 68:2-24

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2As smoke faileth, fail they; as wax floateth or floweth from the face of fire, so perish the sinners from the face of God.
3And just or rightwise men eat, and make they fully joy or full out glad they in the sight of God; and delight they in gladness.
4Sing ye to God, say ye psalm to his name; make ye a way to him, that ascendeth or goeth up on the going down, the Lord is name of him. Make ye fully joy or Full out joyeth in his sight, his enemies shall be troubled from the face of him,
5which is the father of fatherless and motherless children; and the judge of widows. God is in his holy place;
6God that maketh men of one will to dwell in the house. Which leadeth out by strength them that be bound; in like manner them that make sharp or that stir, that dwell in sepulchres.
7God, when thou wentest out in the sight of thy people; when thou passedest forth in the desert.
8The earth was moved, for heavens dropped down from the face of God of Sinai; from the face of God of Israel.
9God, thou shalt impart willful rain to thine heritage, and it was sick; but thou madest it perfect.
10Thy beasts shall dwell therein; God, thou hast made ready in thy sweetness to the poor man.
11The Lord shall give a word; to them that preach the gospel with much virtue.
12The kings of virtues be made loved of the darling; and to the fair-ness of the house to part spoils.
13If ye sleep among the midst of sorts, either heritages, yet ye shall be as the feathers of the culver that be covered of silver; and the hinder things of the back thereof be in the shining of gold.
14While the king of heaven deemeth kings thereon, they shall be made whiter than snow in Zalmon;
15the hill of God is a fat hill. The crudded hill is a fat hill;
16whereto believe ye falsely, ye crudded hills? The hill in which it pleaseth well God to dwell therein; for the Lord shall dwell into the end.
17The chariot of God is manyfold with ten thousand, a thousand of them that be glad; the Lord was in them, in Sinai, in the holy place.
18Thou ascendedest on high, thou tookest captivity captive; thou receiv-edest gifts among men. For why thou tookest also from them that believed not; for to dwell in the Lord God.
19Blessed be the Lord each day; the God of our healths shall make an easy way to us.
20Our God is God to make men safe; and outgoing or the going-out from death is of the Lord God.
21Nevertheless God shall break the heads of his enemies; the top of the hair of them that go in their trespasses.
22The Lord said, I shall turn from Bashan; I shall turn into the depth of the sea.
23That thy foot be dipped in blood; the tongue of thy dogs be dipped in blood of the enemies of him.
24God, they saw thy goings in; the goings-in or in-goings of my God, of my king, which is in the holy place.

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