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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 44

Psalms 44:2-15

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2Thine hand lost heathen men, and thou plantedest them; thou tormentedest peoples, and castedest them out.
3For the children of Israel wielded the land not by their sword; and the arm of them saved not them. But thy right hand, and thine arm, and the lightening of thy cheer; for thou were pleased in them.
4Thou art thyself, my king, and my God; that sendest healths to Jacob.
5By thee we shall winnow our enemies with the horn; and in thy name we shall despise them, that rise against us.
6For I shall not hope in my bow; and my sword shall not save me.
7For thou hast saved us from men tormenting us; and thou hast shamed men hating us.
8We shall be pleased in God all day; and in thy name we shall acknowledge to thee into the world.
9But now thou hast put us aback, and hast shamed us; and thou, Lord, shalt not go out in our virtues.
10Thou hast turned us away behind after our enemies; and they, that hated us, ravished diversely to themselves.
11Thou hast given us as sheep of meats; and among heathen men thou hast scattered us.
12Thou hast sold thy people without price; and multitude there was not in the exchangings of them.
13Thou hast set or put us as a shame to our neighbours; mocking and scorn to them that be in our compass.
14Thou hast set or put us into like-ness to heathen men; and wagging of the head among peoples.
15All day my shame is against me; and the shame of my face covered me.

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