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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 37

Psalms 37:13-24

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13But the Lord shall scorn the sinner; for he beholdeth that his day cometh.
14Sinners have drawn out sword; they bent their bow. To deceive a poor man and needy; to strangle rightful or right men of heart.
15Their sword enter into the heart of themselves; and their bow be broken.
16Better is a little thing to a just or rightwise man; than many riches of sinners.
17For the arms of sinners shall be all-broken; but the Lord confirmeth just or rightwise men.
18The Lord knoweth the days of the unwemmed; and their heritage shall be without end.
19They shall not be shamed in the evil time, and they shall be ful filled in the days of hunger;
20for sinners shall perish. Forsooth anon as the enemies of the Lord be honoured, and enhanced; they failing shall fail as smoke.
21A sinner shall borrow, and shall not pay back; but a just or rightwise man hath mercy, and shall give.
22For they that bless the Lord shall inherit the land; but they that curse him shall perish.
23The goings of a man shall be dressed with the Lord; and he shall delight in his way.
24When he falleth, he shall not be hurtled or hurled down; for the Lord undersetteth his hand.

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