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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 28

Psalms 28:3-7

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3Betake thou not me together with sinners; and lose thou not me with them that work wickedness. Which speak peace to their neighbours; but evils be in their hearts.
4Give thou to them after the works of them; and after the wickedness of their findings. Give thou to them after the works of their hands; yield thou their yielding to them.
5For they understood not the works of the Lord, and by the works of his hands thou shalt destroy them; and thou shalt not build them.
6Blessed be the Lord; for he heard the voice of my beseeching.
7The Lord is mine helper and my defender; and mine heart hoped in him, and I am helped. And my flesh flowered again; and of my will I shall acknowledge to him.

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