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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 136

Psalms 136:4-15

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4Which alone maketh great marvels. (Who alone doeth marvellous deeds, or great miracles.)
5Which made heavens by understanding. (Who made the heavens by his wisdom.)
6Which made steadfast the earth on waters. (Who made the earth firm upon the waters.)
7Which made great lights. (Who made the great lights.)
8The sun into the power of the day. (The sun to have power over the day.)
9The moon and the stars into power of the night. (The moon and the stars to have power over the night.)
10Which smote Egypt with the first engendered things of them. (Who struck down the first-born of the Egyptians.)
11Which led out Israel from the midst of them. (Who led out Israel from their midst.)
12In a mighty hand, and in an high arm. (Yea, with a mighty hand, and a powerful arm.)
13Which parted the Red Sea into partings. (Who divided the Red Sea, or the Sea of Reeds, in two.)
14And led out Israel through the midst thereof.
15And he cast adown Pharaoh and his power, or virtue, in the Red Sea. (And he threw down Pharaoh, and his host, or his army, into the Red Sea, or the Sea of Reeds.)

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Compare Psalms 136:4-15Psalms 136:4-15