76Thy mercy be made, that it comfort me; by thy speech to thy servant. (Let thy love comfort me; yea, according to thy word to thy servant.)
77Thy merciful doings come to me, and I shall live; for thy law is my thinking. (Let thy mercy come to me, and then I shall live; for thy Law is my delight.)
78They that be proud be shamed, for unjustly they did wickedness against me; but I shall be exercised in thy behests. (Let they who be proud be shamed, for unjustly, or for no reason, they did wickedly against me; but I shall think about thy precepts.)
79They that dread thee be turned to me; and they that know thy witnessings. (Let they who fear thee or Let they who revere thee, turn to me; yea, all who know thy teachings.)
80Mine heart be made unwemmed in thy justifyings; that I be not shamed. (Let my heart obey thy statutes, and be without blemish, or without fault; and so I shall not shamed.)
81Caph. My soul failed into thine health; and I hoped more in thy word. (My soul fainteth waiting for thy salvation, or thy deliverance; but still I trust in thy word.)
82Mine eyes failed into thy speech; saying, When shalt thou comfort me? (My eyes fail waiting for thy word; and so I ask, When shalt thou comfort me?)
83For I am made as a bouget, (or a bottle,) in frost; (yet) I have not forgotten thy justifyings. (For I am shriveled up, like a wineskin in the smoke; but I have not forgotten thy statutes.)
84How many be the days of thy servant; when thou shalt make doom of them that pursue me? (How many days must thy servant wait? when shalt thou bring judgement upon those who persecute me?)
85Wicked men told to me janglings; but (they be) not as thy law. (The wicked gossiped about me; and they do not obey thy Law.)
86All thy commandments be truth; wicked men have pursued me, help thou me. (All thy commandments (be) faithful or (be) trustworthy, (and shall stand forever); the wicked persecute me, help thou me!)
87Almost they ended me in the earth; but I forsook not thy commandments. (Yea, they almost brought me to an end here on the earth; but I did not forsake thy precepts.)
88By thy mercy quicken thou me; and I shall keep the witnessings of thy mouth. (In thy mercy or In thy love, grant thou me life; so that I can obey the teachings from thy mouth.)
89Lamed. Lord, thy word dwelleth in heaven; into without end. (Lord, thy word remaineth, or liveth, in heaven, forever.)
90Thy truth dwelleth in generation, and into generation; thou hast founded the earth, and it dwelleth. (Thy faithfulness remaineth for all generations; thou hast founded the earth, and it still remaineth.)
91The day lasteth continually by thy ordinance(s); for all things serve to thee. (All things continue to this day according to thy ordinances; for all things serve thee./Thy ordinances, or thy decrees, continue to this day; for all things serve thee.)
92But for thy law was my thinking; then peradventure I had perished in my lowness. (If thy Law had not been my delight; then I would have perished in my time of trouble.)
93Into Without end I shall not forget thy justifyings; for in those thou hast quickened me. (I shall never forget thy precepts; for through them thou hast given me life.)
94I am thine, make thou me safe; for I have sought thy justifyings. (I am thine, save thou me; for I have sought out thy precepts.)
95Sinners abode me, for to lose me; I understood thy witnessings. (The sinners have waited for me, to destroy me; but I shall think about thy teachings.)
96I saw the end of all end; thy commandment is full large. (I have seen the end of the end or I have seen that all things must end; but thy commandment shall go on forever.)
97Mem. Lord, how loved I thy law; all day it is my thinking. (Lord, how I love thy Law! I think about it all day long.)
98Above mine enemies thou madest me prudent by thy commandment; for it is to me into without end. (By thy commandments, thou hast made me more prudent than all my enemies; for thy commandments shall be with me forever.)
99I understood over all men teaching me; for thy witnessings is my thinking. (I have more understanding than all those who teach me; because I think about thy teachings.)
100I understood above eld men; for I sought thy commandments. (I have more understanding than the old men, that is, the elders; because I have kept thy precepts.)
101I forbade my feet from all evil way; that I keep thy words (or so that I obey thy commands).
102I bowed not from thy dooms; for thou hast set law to me. (I turned not away from thy judgements; for thou thyself hast taught me.)
103Thy speeches be full sweet to my cheeks; above honey to my mouth. (Thy words be exceedingly sweet to my taste; yea, sweeter in my mouth than honey.)
104I understood of thy behests; therefore I hated all the ways of wickedness. (I gained understanding through thy precepts; and now I hate all wicked ways.)
105Nun. Thy word is a lantern to my feet; and (a) light to my paths.
106I swore, and purposed steadfastly; to keep the dooms of thy rightfulness. (I swore, and steadfastly purposed, to obey thy righteous judgements.)
107I am made low by all things; Lord, quicken thou me by thy word. (I am brought down so very low, that is, I am greatly afflicted; Lord, grant thou me life according to thy word.)
108Lord, make thou well pleasing the willful things of my mouth; and teach thou me thy dooms. (Lord, accept thou the willing offerings, or the tributes, from my mouth; and teach thou me thy judgements.)
109My soul is evermore in mine hands; and I forgat not thy law. (My life is in my hands forevermore or My life is always in my hands; yet I never forget thy Law.)