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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:131-164

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131I opened my mouth, and drew the spirit (or and drew my breath, yea, I panted); for I desired thy commandments.
132Behold thou on me, and have mercy on me; by the doom of them that love thy name. (Look thou upon me, and have mercy on me; as thou hast decreed thou shalt do, for those who love thy name.)
133(Ad)dress thou my goings by thy speech; that all unrightfulness have not lordship on me. (Direct thou my ways according to thy word; and do not let any unrighteousness have lordship, or rule, over me.)
134Again-buy thou me from the false challenges of men; that I keep thy behests. (Save thou me from those who would oppress me; so that I can obey thy precepts.)
135Lighten thy face on thy servant; and teach thou me thy justifyings. (Let thy face shine upon thy servant; and teach thou me thy statutes.)
136Mine eyes led forth the outgoings of waters; for they kept not thy law. (My eyes stream with tears; because of those who do not obey thy Law.)
137Tzaddi. Lord, thou art just; and thy doom is rightful. (Lord, thou art just; and thy judgements, or thy decrees, be righteous.)
138Thou hast commanded rightfulness, thy witnessings; and thy truth greatly to be kept. (The teachings that thou hast commanded be right, and true; and greatly to be obeyed.)
139My fervent love made me to be melted, either languished; for mine enemies forgat thy words. (My fervent love for thee made me feel greatly distressed; because my enemies did not obey thy words.)
140Thy speech is set afire; and thy servant loved it. (Thy word is tried by fire; and thy servant loveth it.)
141I am young, and despised; I forgat not thy justifyings. (I am young and despised; but I do not forget thy precepts.)
142Lord, thy rightfulness is rightfulness into without end; and thy law is truth. (Lord, thy righteousness is righteousness forever; and thy Law is true forever or and thy Law is the truth forever.)
143Tribulation and anguish have found me; thy behests is my thinking. (Though trouble and anguish have found me; thy commandments still be my delight.)
144Thy witnessings is equity into without end (or Thy teachings be just forever); give thou understanding to me, and I shall live.
145Koph. I cried in all mine heart, Lord, hear thou me; I shall seek thy justifyings. (I cried with all my heart, O Lord, please answer me; for I shall follow thy statutes.)
146I cried to thee, make thou me safe; that I keep thy commandments. (I cried to thee, save thou me; so that I can keep thy commandments or and I shall obey thy commandments.)
147I before came in ripeness, and I cried; I hoped above on thy words. (I came before thee in the morning; I have great hope in thy words.)
148Mine eyes before came to thee full early; that I should bethink (on) thy speeches. (My eyes be open through the night or I lie awake all night; so that I can think about thy words.)
149Lord, hear thou my voice by thy mercy; and quicken thou me by thy doom. (Lord, hear thou me in thy mercy; and grant thou me life according to thy judgement./Lord, hear thou me in thy love; and grant thou me life by thy decree.)
150They that pursue me nighed to wickedness; forsooth they be made far from thy law. (They who pursue me approach near to wickedness; and they be made far from thy Law./They who wickedly pursue me come near to me; but they be made far from thy Law.)
151Lord, thou art nigh; and all thy ways be truth. (Lord, thou art near; and all thy commandments be true.)
152In the beginning I knew of thy witnessings; for thou hast founded those into without end. (Long ago I knew of thy teachings; for thou hast founded them to last forever.)
153Resh. See thou my meekness, and deliver thou me; for I forgat not thy law. (See thou my troubles, and save thou me; for I have not forgotten thy Law.)
154Deem thou my doom, and again-buy thou me; quicken me for thy speech. (Judge thou my case, and buy thou me back, that is, rescue me; yea, grant thou me life according to thy word, or thy promise.)
155Health is far from sinners; for they sought not thy justifyings. (Salvation is far from sinners; for they did not search out thy statutes or for they do not obey thy laws.)
156Lord, thy mercies be many; quicken thou me by thy doom. (Lord, thy constant love (is) great; grant thou me life according to thy judgement./Lord, thy mercy (is) great; grant thou me life by thy decree.)
157They be many that pursue me, and do tribulation to me; I bowed not away from thy witnessings. (There be many who persecute me, and give me trouble; but I have not turned away from thy teachings.)
158I saw breakers of the law, and I was melted, either languished; for they kept not thy speeches. (I saw the law-breakers, and I was greatly distressed; for they did not obey thy words, or thy commands.)
159Lord, see thou, for I loved thy commandments; quicken thou me in thy mercy. (Lord, see thou, how I love thy precepts; grant thou me life according to thy love.)
160The beginning of thy word is truth; all the dooms of thy rightwiseness be into without end. (The beginning of thy word is truth; and all thy righteous judgements be forever.)
161Schin. Princes pursued me without cause; and my heart dreaded of thy words. (The rulers persecuted me for no reason; but my heart is in awe of thy words.)
162I shall be glad on thy speeches; as he that findeth many spoils. (I shall be glad, or rejoice, in thy words; like he who findeth much prey.)
163I hated and loathed wickedness; forsooth I loved thy law. (I hate and loathe all lies; but I love thy Law.)
164I said praisings to thee seven times in the day; on the dooms of thy rightfulness. (Seven times a day I praise thee; for thy righteous judgements or for thy rightful decrees.)

Read Psalms 119Psalms 119
Compare Psalms 119:131-164Psalms 119:131-164