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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 119

Psalms 119:126-145

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126Lord, it is time to do; they have destroyed thy law.
127Therefore I loved thy command-ments; more than gold and topaz.
128Therefore I was dressed to all thy behests; I hated all wicked way.
129Pe. Lord, thy witnessings be wonderful; therefore my soul sought those or them.
130Declaring of thy words lighteneth; and it giveth understanding to meek men.
131I opened my mouth, and drew the spirit; for I desired thy commandments.
132Behold thou on me, and have mercy on me; by the doom of them that love thy name.
133Dress thou my goings by thy speech; that all unrightfulness have not lordship on me.
134Again-buy thou me from the false challenges of men; that I keep thy behests.
135Lighten thy face on thy servant; and teach thou me thy justifyings.
136Mine eyes led forth the outgoings of waters; for they kept not thy law.
137Tzaddi. Lord, thou art just or rightwise; and thy doom is rightful or right.
138Thou hast commanded rightfulness or rightwiseness, thy witnessings; and thy truth greatly to be kept.
139My fervent love made me to be melted, either languished; for mine enemies forgat thy words.
140Thy speech is set afire; and thy servant loved it.
141I am young, and despised; I forgat not thy justifyings.
142Lord, thy rightfulness or rightwise-ness is rightfulness or rightwiseness without end; and thy law is truth.
143Tribulation and anguish have found me; thy behests is my thinking.
144Thy witnessings is equity without end; give thou understanding to me, and I shall live.
145Koph. I cried in all mine heart, Lord, hear thou me; I shall seek thy justifyings.

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Compare Psalms 119:126-145Psalms 119:126-145