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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Proverbs - Proverbs 2

Proverbs 2:10-21

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10If wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowing pleaseth thy soul,
11good counsel shall keep thee, and prudence shall keep thee; (good advice shall keep thee safe, and understanding shall keep thee safe;)
12(so) that thou be delivered from an evil way, and from a man that speaketh wayward things (or and from the person who speaketh wicked things).
13Which forsake a rightful way, (or From those who abandon the right way), and go by dark ways;
14which be glad, when they have done evil, and make full out joy in worst things; (who be glad, when they have done evil, and rejoice in the worst things;)
15whose ways be wayward, and their goings be of evil fame. (whose ways be wicked, and whose deeds be shameful.)
16That thou be delivered from an alien woman, and from a strange woman, that maketh soft her words; (And so that thou be rescued from a strange, or an unknown, woman, who maketh her words soft;)
17and (who) forsaketh the duke, or (the) leader, of her time of marriage, and hath forgotten the covenant of her God.
18For the house of her is bowed to death, and her paths to hell. (For her house is on the way to death, and her paths lead down to Sheol, or the land of the dead, or and her paths lead down to hell.)
19All that enter to her, shall not turn again, neither they shall catch the paths of life. (All who go to her, shall never return, nor shall they ever walk again on the paths of life.)
20That thou go in a good way, and keep the paths of just men. (So see that thou go on a good way, and keep to the paths of the righteous.)
21Forsooth they that be rightful, shall dwell in the land; and simple men shall perfectly dwell therein. (For they who be upright, shall live in the land; and those who be honest, or and those with integrity, shall live there.)

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Compare Proverbs 2:10-21Proverbs 2:10-21