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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Proverbs - Proverbs 23

Proverbs 23:6-9

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6Eat thou not with an envious man, and desire thou not his meats; (Do not thou eat with the envious, and do not thou desire his food;)
7for at the likeness of a false diviner, and of a conjecturer, that is, (an) expounder of dreams, he guesseth that, that he knoweth not. He shall say to thee, Eat thou and drink; and his soul is not with thee (or but his heart is not for thee or but his heart is not with thee).
8Thou shalt spew out the meat, which thou hast eaten; and thou shalt lose thy fair words (or and thy flattery shall have been wasted).
9Speak thou not in the ears of unwise men (or Speak thou not in the ears of the unwise); for they shall despise the teaching of thy speech.

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