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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Proverbs - Proverbs 19

Proverbs 19:7-14

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7The brethren of a poor man hate him; furthermore and the friends went away far from him. He that followeth words only, shall have nothing; (The brothers of a poor man hate him; and furthermore his friends shall go far away from him. He who followeth after only words, shall soon have nothing;)
8but he that holdeth stably the mind, loveth his soul, and the keeper of prudence shall find goods. (but he who keepeth his mind stable, loveth, or helpeth, his own life, and the keeper of understanding, or of discernment, shall obtain good things.)
9A false witness shall not be unpunished; and he that speaketh leasings, shall perish. (A lying witness shall not go unpunished; and he who speaketh lies, shall perish.)
10Delights become not a fool; neither it becometh a servant to be (the) lord of princes.
11The teaching of a man is known by patience; and his glory is to pass over wicked things. (Patience showeth a person’s wisdom,or the lack of it; and a person’s glory is to overlook a wrong.)
12As the gnashing of a lion, so and the ire of the king; and as dew on herb, so and the gladness of the king. (Like the gnashing of a lion, (is) the king’s anger; and like the dew on the grass, (is) the king’s gladness.)
13The sorrow of the father is a fond son; and roofs dropping continually is a woman full of chiding. (A father’s sorrow (is) a foolish son; and a woman full of arguments, (or of bickering, is) like a roof continually dripping water.)
14Houses and riches be given of father and mother; but a prudent wife is given properly of the Lord. (Houses and riches be given to thee by thy father and mother; but a prudent wife cometh only from the Lord.)

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