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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Proverbs - Proverbs 14

Proverbs 14:6-34

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6A scorner seeketh wisdom, and he findeth it not, (or A mocker seeketh wisdom, but never findeth it); the teaching of prudent men is easy.
7Go thou against a man a fool; and he shall not know the lips of prudence. (Go thou away from a foolish person; for he shall not speak words of understanding, that is, sensible words.)
8The wisdom of a fell man is to understand his way; and the unwariness of fools erreth. (The wisdom of a clever person is to understand his own way; but the carelessness of fools maketh them to err.)
9A fool scorneth sin; grace shall dwell among just men. (A fool mocketh sin; favour shall dwell among the righteous.)
10The heart that knoweth the bitterness of his soul; a stranger shall not be meddled in the joy thereof. (The heart knoweth the bitterness of its own soul; a stranger cannot be mixed in, or mingled, with its joy.)
11The house of wicked men shall be done away; the tabernacles of just men shall burgeon. (The houses of the wicked shall be done away; but the homes of the righteous shall flourish.)
12Soothly a way is, that seemeth just to a man, (or Truly there is a way, that seemeth right to a person); but the last things thereof lead forth to death.
13Laughing shall be meddled with sorrow (or Laughter shall be mixed, or mingled, with sorrow); and mourning occupieth the last things of joy.
14A fool shall be filled with his ways; and a good man shall be above him. (A fool shall reap the fruit of his foolish ways; and a good person that of his deeds, or of his labour.)
15An innocent man believeth to each word; a fell man beholdeth his goings. (An innocent person believeth each and every word; a clever person regardeth, or watcheth, his own steps.)
16A wise man dreadeth, and boweth away from evil; a fool skippeth over, and trusteth.
17A man unpatient shall work folly; and a guileful man is odious. (An impatient person will act foolishly; and a deceitful person is odious.)
18Little men of wit shall hold folly; and fell men shall abide knowing. (People of little wit, or of low intelligence, shall hold fast to foolishness; but clever people shall gain understanding.)
19Evil men shall lie (down) before good men; and unpious men before the gates of just men. (Evil people shall lie down before good people; and the wicked shall bow before the gates of the righteous.)
20A poor man shall be (thought) hateful, yea, (even) to his neighbour; but many men be (the) friends of rich men.
21He that despiseth his neighbour, doeth sin; but he that doeth mercy to a poor man, shall be blessed.
22He that believeth in the Lord, loveth mercy; they err that work evil. Mercy and truth make ready goods (or Mercy and truth bring forth good things);
23abundance shall be in each good work/in every good work. Soothly where full many words be, there neediness is oft, (or Truly, where there be a great many words, there often is neediness, or lack, or want).
24The crown of wise men is the riches of them; the folly of fools is unwariness. (The reward of the wise is their riches; the foolishness of fools is their recklessness.)
25A faithful witness delivereth souls; and a false man bringeth forth leasings. (A faithful witness saveth lives; but a false accuser bringeth forth only lies.)
26In the dread of the Lord is trust of strength; and hope shall be to the sons of him. (He who feareth the Lord or He who revereth the Lord hath trust in his strength; and his sons and daughters shall have hope and security.)
27The dread of the Lord is a well of life; that it bow away from the falling of death. (The fear of the Lord or Reverence for the Lord is a well of life; yea, so that thou turn away from deadly traps, or snares.)
28The dignity of the king is in the multitude of (his) people; and the shame of a prince is in the fewness of (his) people.
29He that is patient, is governed by much wisdom; but he that is unpatient, enhanceth his folly.
30(The) Health of (the) heart is the life of (the) flesh; envy is (the) rot of (the) bones.
31He that falsely challengeth a needy man, despiseth his maker; but he that hath mercy on a poor man, honoureth his maker. (He who oppresseth the needy, despiseth his Maker; but he who hath mercy on the poor, honoureth his Maker.)
32A wicked man is put out for his malice; but a just man hopeth in his death. (A wicked person is brought down by his own malice; but a righteous person hath hope in his death.)
33Wisdom resteth in the heart of a wise man; and he shall teach all unlearned men. (Wisdom resteth in the hearts of the wise; and they shall teach all the unlearned.)
34Rightfulness raiseth up a folk; sin maketh peoples wretches. (Uprightness raiseth up the nation; sin maketh people into wretches.)

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Compare Proverbs 14:6-34Proverbs 14:6-34