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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Numbers - Numbers 12

Numbers 12:6-11

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6he said to them, Hear ye my words; if any among you is a prophet of the Lord, I shall appear to him in revelation, either I shall speak to him by a dream.
7And he said, And my servant Moses is not such, the which is most faithful in all mine house;
8for I speak to him mouth to mouth, and he seeth God openly, and not by dark speeches, either dark likenesses, and figures. Why therefore dreaded ye not to backbite my servant Moses?
9And the Lord was wroth against them, and he went away.
10And the cloud went away, that was on the tabernacle, and lo! Marie appeared shining with leprosy, white as snow. And when Aaron beheld her, and saw her besprinkled with leprosy,
11he said to Moses, My lord, I beseech thee, put thou not this sin upon us, which we did follily,

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