14 Yoova irau ipul muri pa tamtoghon toni ne maau. Yes to ye igham di tinim le, lolo imaagh padi maau.
15 Ve ye pale ipasaluŋgan yes pooza, leso tigharaat pataŋani to tamtoghon itaghon ŋgar deŋia. Ve tamtoghon tisob to ŋgar deŋia ineep tuŋia ila lolodi, yes pale tipalot ŋgar tovene paam.
16 Ighaze tamtoghon tigham samin ghou, sei pale iyoon payou ve iuul ghou? Ve sei to iponpoon ghou pa ndiran samsamia? Ite paam maau. Yoova moghon.
17 Inimale Yoova iuul ghou maau, tone namaat rikia moghon, ve nala ndug to le oroora maau.