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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Luke - Luke 20

Luke 20:14-28

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14And when the tillers saw him, they thought within themselves, and said, This is the heir, slay we him, that the heritage be ours. (But when the farmers saw him, they said to each other, He is the heir, let us kill him, and then the inheritance shall be ours.)
15And they casted him out of the vineyard (or And they threw him out of the vineyard), and killed him. What shall then the lord of the vineyard do to them?
16He shall come, and destroy these tillers, and give the vineyard to others. And when this thing was heard, they said to him, God forbid.
17But he beheld them, and said, What then is this that is written, The stone which men building reproved, this is made into the head of the corner?
18Each that shall fall on that stone, shall be bruised or shall be broken, but on whom it shall fall, it shall all-break him, or it shall break him into small parts, (or it shall break him all to pieces).
19And the princes of (the) priests, and (the) scribes, sought to lay on him hands in that hour, or And the princes of the priests, and the scribes, sought to lay hands on him in that hour, and they dreaded the people; for they knew that to them he said this likeness. (And the high priests, and the scribes, wanted to lay their hands on him at that time, but they feared the people; for they knew that he had said this parable about them.)
20And they espied, and sent spies, that feigned themselves (to be) just, that they should take him in word, and betake him to the power of the prince, and to the power of the justice. (And they watched him, and sent spies, who pretended to be righteous, or honest men, so that they could catch him with his own words, and then deliver him unto the power and the authority of the Governor.)
21And they asked him, and said, Master (or Teacher), we know, that rightly thou sayest and teachest, or Master, we know, that thou sayest and teachest rightly; and thou takest not the person of man (or and thou favourest not any person), but thou teachest in truth the way of God.
22Is it leaveful to us to give tribute to the emperor, or to Caesar, or nay? (Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?)
23And he beheld the deceit of them, and said to them, What tempt ye me? (or Why do you test me?)
24Show ye to me a penny; whose image and superscription hath it? They answered, and said to him, The emperor’s or Caesar’s.
25And he said to them, Yield ye therefore to the emperor those things that be the emperor’s, or Yield ye therefore to Caesar those things that be Caesar’s, and those things that be of God, to God.
26And they might not reprove his word before the people; and they wondered in his answer, and held (their) peace.
27Some of the Sadducees, that denied the again-rising from death to life or the resurrection, came, and asked him.
28and said, Master (or Teacher), Moses wrote to us, if the brother of any man have a wife, and he be dead or died, and he was without heirs or free children, that his brother take his wife, and raise (up) seed to his brother.

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