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Free Bible Version - Luke - Luke 1

Luke 1:8-61

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8While Zechariah was serving as a priest before God, on behalf of his priestly division,
9he was chosen by lot according to priestly custom to enter the Temple of the Lord and burn incense.
10During the time of offering incense a large crowd of people were praying outside.
11An angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah, standing to the right of the altar of incense.
12When Zechariah saw the angel, he was startled and became terrified.
13But the angel told him, “Don't be afraid, Zechariah. Your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call him John.
14He will bring you joy and gladness, and many will celebrate his birth.
15He will be great in the sight of the Lord. He will refuse to drink wine or other alcoholic drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he's born.
16He will turn many Israelites back to the Lord their God.
17He will go ahead of the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the fathers back to thinking about their children, and to turn those who are rebellious back to a right understanding—to prepare a people ready for the Lord.”
18“How can I be sure about this?” Zechariah asked the angel. “I'm an old man, and my wife is getting old too.”
19“I am Gabriel,” the angel replied. “I stand in God's presence, and I was sent to speak to you and give you this good news.
20But since you didn't believe what I told you, you'll become dumb, unable to speak, until the appointed time when my words come true.”
21Outside the people were waiting for Zechariah, wondering why he was taking so long in the Temple.
22When eventually he came out, he wasn't able to speak to them. They realized he'd seen a vision in the Temple, for though he could make gestures, he was completely dumb.
23After he'd finished his time of service, he went back home.
24Some time later his wife Elizabeth became pregnant. She stayed at home for five months.
25“The Lord has done this for me,” she said, “now that he's taken away my disgrace in the eyes of others.”
26In the sixth month of her pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel to a young girl called Mary who lived in the town of Nazareth in Galilee.
27She was engaged to a man named Joseph.
28The angel greeted her. “You are very privileged,” he told her. “The Lord is with you.”
29Mary was very puzzled at what he said, and wondered what this greeting meant.
30“Don't worry, Mary,” the angel went on, “for God has shown his graciousness to you.
31You will become pregnant and give birth to a son. You shall call him Jesus.
32He will be very great, and he will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father,
33and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never come to an end.”
34“How is this possible?” Mary asked. “I'm still a virgin.”
35He replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you. The baby who is to be born is holy, and will be called the Son of God.
36And Elizabeth, your relative, even she is pregnant in her old age. The woman that people said couldn't have children is already six months pregnant.
37Nothing is impossible for God.”
38“Here I am, ready to be the Lord's servant,” said Mary. “May it happen to me just as you said.” Then the angel left her.
39A little while later, Mary got herself ready and hurried up into the hills of Judea, to the town where
40Zechariah's house was. She called out to Elizabeth as she went in.
41As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's voice, the baby jumped for joy inside her. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,
42and cried out in a loud voice, “How blessed you are among women, and how blessed will be the child born to you!
43Why am I so honored that the mother of my Lord should visit me?
44As soon as I heard you call out in greeting, my baby jumped for joy inside me.
45How fortunate you are, because you are convinced that the Lord will do what he has promised you!”
46Mary replied, “How I praise the Lord!
47I am so happy with God my Savior,
48because he decided that I, his servant, was worthy of his consideration, despite my humble background. From now on every generation will say I was blessed.
49God Almighty has done great things for me; his name is holy.
50His mercy lasts for generation after generation to those who respect him.
51With his power he has broken to pieces those who arrogantly think they're so clever.
52He tears the powerful down from their thrones, and elevates those who are humble.
53He fills the hungry with good things to eat, and he sends the rich away empty-handed.
54He has helped his servant Israel, remembering him in mercy,
55just as he promised our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants for ever.”
56Mary stayed with her for three months and then returned home.
57The time came for Elizabeth to have her baby and she gave birth to a son.
58Her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had showed her great kindness, and they celebrated together with her.
59Eight days later they came to circumcise the boy. They planned to call him Zechariah after his father.
60“No,” Elizabeth said. “He shall be called John.”
61“But there's nobody among your relatives who has this name,” they told her.

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