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The New Testament with Commentary - Luke - Luke 1

Luke 1:40-54

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40and entered the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth.
41Well it happened that as Elizabeth heard Mary's salutation the babe bounced up and down in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with Holy Spirit.
42And she cried out with a great voice and said: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the Fruit of your womb!
43Why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
44Yes indeed, because as the sound of your salutation came into my ears the babe bounced up and down in my womb for joy.
45Blessed is she who believed, because there will be a fulfillment of the things that have been spoken to her from the Lord.”
46So Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord,
47and my spirit has exulted over God my Savior,
48in that He paid attention to the humble station of His slave (f). Yes indeed, because from now on all generations will declare me to be highly favored,
49in that the Mighty One did sublime things for me, and Holy is His name.
50His mercy is for generations of generations to those fearing Him.
51He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has dispersed the arrogant in the reasoning of their hearts.
52He has dethroned rulers and exalted the lowly.
53He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.
54He has taken the part of His servant Israel, in remembrance of mercy,

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