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Bibles in Ulithian

Luke 18:25-35 in Ulithian

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Luke 18:25-35 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

25 Ye kkel yal weres ngal semal le ye mmal le be hola mala Lamliyel Deus mo imol semal kamang le be bulong lal chechel seyay did.”
26 Rechokwe re rongrong mokwe ye sor resa kasiya bo, “Ila ngo itey mele yebe daor?”
27 Jesus yesa kangalur bo, “Meka towe yoh ngal yarmat ila be yoh ngal Deus.”
28 Pedrus sa sor bo, “Kaladoh! Hasa tahcheloh bugtamem bo habe daboh!”
29 Jesus yesa kangalu, “Ila sengal, iwe ngo ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le te tugul semal le be ligdiloh bugtal hare ril hare bisil hare wulutugul hare lol le fael mala Lamliyel Deus,
30 ngo ye paleng mala be yoh ngali fael mwoka, ngo be yoh ngali molow la tor siyal irel yod kala yebe budoh.”
31 Jesus sa palir chowe seg mo rumal we redabeyal re sala mus tang buwa we ngo yesa kangalur bo, “Ha talenga! Si bele roloh wol Jerusalem le ila lebola pangal mokwe profeta kowe re tefa irel kofal molwe Layur Retalop ngo bele la ppalu ngali le katos.
32 Bele yoh long lal payur Gentiles le re bele tapeli kamemal ngo re hapatpat tayikof irel ngo re gutdah uwol.
33 Re bele wwodu ngo re limeseloh ngo bela solral mo wol miril ngo yesa molow tefael mo irel maes.”
34 Tor sew mokwe ye sor le mokwe redabeyal re medaf iyang. Mekla halongol fal ila ye llebag tangir ngo re togla mokwe Jesus ye kekapta kofal.
35 Yodwe Jesus yela harpadoh Jerico ngo ye mel semal mal le ye metafis le ye maroro wol ngchel yalap. Mal we ila yema dodongor loh chog hammalel.
Luke 18 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy