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Bibles in Ulithian

Luke 11:7-17 in Ulithian

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Luke 11:7-17 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

7 Ngo hare ye wochog bo iy molwe maryerel yesa maliliwey mo yilim le ye sor bo, ‘Ho towol hachrong ngalyey bo sa lok hatam ngo ngang mo meka layi ngo hasa masor. Itowol chemdah bo ibe fang ngalug formel.’
8 Ila ngo be ifa sengal? Ibe kangalugmi le ila mwo yete depal yebe chemdah ngo yebe chemdah bo yebe fang ngalug flowa mo pangal mekla ho temmal iyang le te fal mala ha mareyar bo fal mala hote maa, le hobe dongorloh chog formel.
9 Ila iy be kangalugmi: Habe dongor ngo be yoh ngalugmi; habe meri ngo habe wiri; hobe hapungpungu hatam ngo be sugeg ngalug.
10 Bo te tugul semal le be dongor ngo be yoh ngali, ngo semal le be meri ngo be wiri, ngo semal le be hapungpungi hatam ngo yebe sugeg ngali.
11 Be yoh le semal hami mal kala yor lol, le lol yebe dongor hall yig ngo iy yesa fang ngali semal parchoyoh?
12 Hare lol yebe dongor hall faiyel maelog ngo iy yesa fang silmaelobong?
13 Hami mwo mele ha tayikof, ngo ha gola mekla ye momay le habe fang ngal mekla lomi. Ila ngo be ifa lepal kkelel mala kkamelal Espritu Santus le laeng yebe fang ngalir rechokla re dedangro!”
14 Jesus ye hachuyaloh semal moniyan mo uwol semal mal le tay ma maliliy. Yodwe yela chuy moniyan we ngo yesa yoh le mal we ye kkapatpat. Ye lluwdah buwa we irel molwe.
15 Iwe ngo tot yarmat re sor bo, “Mala ila Beelzebul we tamol moniyan, mele ye fang kkelal bo yebe hachuchuy moniyan.”
16 Iwe ngo tot yarmat re luluwaley bo rebe hagla Jesus iwe resa kangalu bo be foru sew kkemal le be kawraloh le ye fel depel Deus ngali.
17 Ngo Jesus ye gola mokwe re luluwaley iwe yesa kangalur bo, “Chol sew fuluy le rebe te sew chog bo re fefedeg fengal ila ye towe sulay yar mel. Ngo chol sew bugat le rebe te depsew chog ngo rebe taroprop.
Luke 11 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy