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Bibles in Ulithian

Luke 11:1-48 in Ulithian

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Luke 11:1-48 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

1 Seral ngo Jesus ye memapel solbos le ir mo mokwe redabeyal. Yela mol mo irel mapel ngo samel mokwe redabeyal yesa kangalu bo, “Samol, kangalugmem mapel le be wochog yael Johannes ma kangalur mokwe redabeyal.”
2 Iwe Jesus yesa kangalur bo, “Habe mapel, ngo habe ma sor bo: ‘Tamem: Yebe ssoar mala Idem le ye santus; Yebe budoh ngalugmem mala Lamliyem.
3 Fang halmem seral mo seral.
4 Ffaho depom ngalugmem irel yamem molfid, bo hamem ila yema ffaho depmem ngalir rechokla re tayikof ngalugmem. Ho towe hasugmemloh luwul hagelgel kala ye weres.’”
5 Jesus yesa kangalur mokwe redabeyal bo, “Hare ye wochog bo sa lugulbong ngo semal hami yesa loh irel imwel mala maryerel ngo sala kangalu bo, ‘Fang ngalyey mwo sulyoy flowa.
6 Semal maryerey iye moch budoh mo irel malekah ngo tor mele iy be fang bo hal mo irel imw la imwey!’
7 Ngo hare ye wochog bo iy molwe maryerel yesa maliliwey mo yilim le ye sor bo, ‘Ho towol hachrong ngalyey bo sa lok hatam ngo ngang mo meka layi ngo hasa masor. Itowol chemdah bo ibe fang ngalug formel.’
8 Ila ngo be ifa sengal? Ibe kangalugmi le ila mwo yete depal yebe chemdah ngo yebe chemdah bo yebe fang ngalug flowa mo pangal mekla ho temmal iyang le te fal mala ha mareyar bo fal mala hote maa, le hobe dongorloh chog formel.
9 Ila iy be kangalugmi: Habe dongor ngo be yoh ngalugmi; habe meri ngo habe wiri; hobe hapungpungu hatam ngo be sugeg ngalug.
10 Bo te tugul semal le be dongor ngo be yoh ngali, ngo semal le be meri ngo be wiri, ngo semal le be hapungpungi hatam ngo yebe sugeg ngali.
11 Be yoh le semal hami mal kala yor lol, le lol yebe dongor hall yig ngo iy yesa fang ngali semal parchoyoh?
12 Hare lol yebe dongor hall faiyel maelog ngo iy yesa fang silmaelobong?
13 Hami mwo mele ha tayikof, ngo ha gola mekla ye momay le habe fang ngal mekla lomi. Ila ngo be ifa lepal kkelel mala kkamelal Espritu Santus le laeng yebe fang ngalir rechokla re dedangro!”
14 Jesus ye hachuyaloh semal moniyan mo uwol semal mal le tay ma maliliy. Yodwe yela chuy moniyan we ngo yesa yoh le mal we ye kkapatpat. Ye lluwdah buwa we irel molwe.
15 Iwe ngo tot yarmat re sor bo, “Mala ila Beelzebul we tamol moniyan, mele ye fang kkelal bo yebe hachuchuy moniyan.”
16 Iwe ngo tot yarmat re luluwaley bo rebe hagla Jesus iwe resa kangalu bo be foru sew kkemal le be kawraloh le ye fel depel Deus ngali.
17 Ngo Jesus ye gola mokwe re luluwaley iwe yesa kangalur bo, “Chol sew fuluy le rebe te sew chog bo re fefedeg fengal ila ye towe sulay yar mel. Ngo chol sew bugat le rebe te depsew chog ngo rebe taroprop.
18 Iwe ngo hare be harere mala lamliyel Satan ngo resa rol fedeg fengal ngo be ifa sengal ngo resa molow? Hami ha sor le ima hachuchuy moniyan bo fal mala Beelzebul mele ye fang kkeley.
19 Hare Beelzebul mele ye fang kkeley bo ibe hachuchuy moniyan, ila ngo itey le ye fang kkeler mokwe choluwami bo rebe ma hachuchuy moniyan? Mokwe choluwamiy resa kawraloh le hami ha tabung!
20 Yeab, te ila sengal. Ima hachuya moniyan irel mala kkelel Deus. Iwe ngo ila mele yesa kawraloh le mala Lamliyel Deus ila yesa holahmi.
21 “Hare semal mal le ye kkel ngo yor yal pitgil fedeg yebe matngali imw la imwal ila ngo ye towe taroprop mekla lital.
22 Iwe ngo hare semal le ye kkel tot mo imol ye budoh yesa fedeg ngali sala lliy, ila ngo bele hasiloh pangal pitgil fedeg kowe mal we ye yetedah depal uwol ngo bele hasi sa yilldi fedaley mokwe litael mal we, we ye pera.
23 “Semal le te ppilyey ila ngo ye hattohar ngalyey; ngo semal le yete tipingyey irel hatteyel yarmat ngo iy ila ye kkataropropar yarmat.
24 “Yodla ye bela chuy semal moniyan mo uwol semal yarmat ngo ye bele la darfedal lal tolmayloh kala ye palpal bo be meri solbos le ye bela hasoso mo iyang. Ngo hare tor solbos le ye wiri ngo bele sor bo, ‘Iy bele tefael ngal yimwe imwey.’
25 Iwe ngo bele tefael sala wiri yimwe imwal le sa kilil ngo sa momay.
26 Iwe ngo bele loh sala fesangurdoh fismol moniyan le ye kkel tot yar tayikof mo imol resa budoh mel loboswe. Iwe ngo sala mel yeramtawe le sa kkel tot yal tayikof mo imol molwe metamo.”
27 Yodwe yela mol yael Jesus sor molwe ngo yesa maliliy semal fefel mo luwul buwa wele ye sor bo, “Yebe momay depel fefel la ye silaglug ngo ye hafohlah!”
28 Jesus sa hatefali ngo sa sor bo, “Yebe far momay deper rechokla resa rongrong mala yalol Deus ngo re itol deper iyang!”
29 Yodwe buwa we re langbaloh ngo yesa tabo yal hapatpat ngalir. “Yesa kkel tayikofel yarmat fael mwole. Re dodongor sew kkemal. Iwe ngo tor sew kkemal le rebe wiri bo halachog kkemal we Deus ye faor ngal Jonah mele rebe wiri.
30 Profeta Jonah iwe iy mele sew hagil ngalir yeramtal Nineveh ila be wol ila sengal mala Layur Retalop bo yebe mel le wol sew hagil ngalir yeramtal fael mwole.
31 Yodla Rall Tatelal hapatpat ngo mala Queenel Sheba yebe sudah bo yebe sor derer yeramtal fael mwole, bo igil mala sala malekahdoh mo wol mala faluyal le ye ddawloh bo be talenga folol repiy kala yael King Solomon. Iwe ngo ibe kangalugmi le yor mele ye mel iga le ye tagiyet mo imol Solomon.
32 Yodla Rall Tatelal hapatpat ngo yeramtal Nineveh rebe sudah bo rebe sor dermi bo igil molwe resa tagul tang molfidir irel molwe re rongrong foloy kowe yael Jonah, iwe ngo ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le yor mele ye mel iga le ye tagiyet mo imol Jonah!
33 “Tor semal le be hagsu sew habul ngo sa lebagli hare ye yetolong fael sew tapiy. Yebe far hasi yesa yetedah wol mokwe liliyel habul bo bela bulong semal ngo yebe wiri werel habul we.
34 Mekla metam ila ye wochog sew habul le hawerel mala halongom. Yebe ffod mekla metam ngo pangamloh ngo yebe teram. Iwe ngo yebe tayikof mekla metam ngo pangamloh ngo yebe mel luwul ruchupung.
35 Hobe llugu depom bo de chuyloh teram la ye mel uwom ho sala mel luwul rochupung.
36 Hare pangamloh ngo ye teram le tor sugfed mo uwom le ye mel luwul rochopung, ila ngo ho bele teramloh le be wochog bo ye werdah sew habul uwom.”
37 Yodwe yesa mol Jesus irel hapatpat ngo semal Pharisees yesa ffesngu bo re bela mongoy. Iwe sa bulong marodiy bo be mongoy.
38 Ye lluwdah Pharisees we irel molwe Jesus yete tela paol mo imol mala be mongoy.
39 Samol sa kangalu bo, “Hami Pharisees ila hama tela lugul tohog mo tapiy kala yami ngo mekla dipmi ila ye ssogol tayikof.
40 Ha rol buch! Te Deus le ye foru mala lugul mele ye wol foru mala lal?
41 Habe far fang yadol tohog mo tapiy kala yami ngalir mael hafohoy ila ngo yebe tefoy ngo ye chuy taab mo iyang.
42 “Be kkel tayikofel lal dipmi Pharisees! Hama tape maligach ngal Deus sugfed mo irel delal mongoy le tappel mint mo rue mo metmetal delal mongoy kala tot iwe ngo ha tolpagliloh ikla ye fel iwe mo hachangchengel Deus. Habe ma foru meka ngo halachog ila ha towe tahcheloh ikla tot.
43 “Ha terol hafohoy hami Pharisees! Ha dipli chog chiya kala liliyer chotagiyet bo ha bela maro iyang mo lal imwel ttey ka. Ngo yarmat re kawraloh yar hasarohmi mo lobos ka liliyel market le rema toa tteydoh yarmat mo iyang.
44 Ha terol hafohoy! Hasa rol wochog pey kowe tor hagilal le yarmat rema dar fedal uwol ngo re togla.”
45 Iwe ngo semal sensel Hatobtob we yesa kangalu bo, “Sensey, hosa hamaalugmem irel mekla hosa sor!”
46 Jesus yesa sor bo “Iwe ngo ha tehafohoy hami sensel Hatobtob we! Hama yitetdah meka ye cchow uwor yarmat le ye weres ngalir le rebe hasi. Iwe ngo sehad mwo mekla hademi ngo ye teyoh habe halenga habe tipingir irel mekla hasiyer.
47 Ha tehafohoy! Hasa halimdi hamayu peyer profeta kowe mokwe chapdohmi re limeserloh.
48 Hami chog ngo hasa kawraloh le ye fel dipmi irel meka, mokwe chapdohmi re foru. Ir re limeseloh profeta kowe ngo hami hasa foru mekla peyer.
Luke 11 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy