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Bibles in Alamblak

Luk 23:7-12 in Alamblak

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Luk 23:7-12 in Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot

7 Jisasrhu toh yuhat Pailatr frhikakhato kfo memor, “Nd yimar Herotr tohukatohwa Galili profins tohwa yimayer.” To be inji mhti hikakhato Pailatr kfomotr Jisasr hanymomr Herotrpno. To nd yihart bi Pasofa burwathu rhu yiharn Herotr Jerusalemko bi tohetrn to be ndko hanymomr.
8 Herotr htiyakhato memor, “O hifa hnekomr. Nd ror hingrnewa hingrneft afo hingrnaruhatrt htirahnomt. Be wanys wanuknom ror hingrnewa bbukeft.”
9 Herotr sinyahato Jisasr ttiwon nhta bonhtamourr. Jisasr nhai ptharmor.
10 Prisroh bro yimami boririfhuthu tisamm mtohnihato mfro mfro nd kotkfot kfo nnuhaknimomt.
11 To be Herotri turhu soldiakfom faso faso kfo kuken bokuken kfo tfar botfar thumomr. Inji nanihato tu hifa dborioh rmonthar yakhato nd rmon-thaye tu Judaroh rmontha nyuh yuhatn nyuhafmomr. Nyuhafhato kfo memomr, “Tfit Pailatrpno wain.” Be inji kfafmotmr tfit yimor.
12 Be Jisasrhu kotkfot rpat rpat wany hnamoftn be nd hus yimaf rinfak marnyakmof. Barkofpam afo nna hutt nna inji namouf.
Luk 23 in Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot