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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Leviticus - Leviticus 4

Leviticus 4:1-18

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1And the Lord spake to Moses, and said,
2Speak thou to the sons of Israel, When a soul, that is, a man, hath done sin by ignorance, and hath done anything of all the commandments of the Lord, which he commanded that those or they shall not be done, thou shalt follow these ordinances;
3if a priest that is anointed, hath done sin, making the people to trespass, he shall offer for his sin a calf without wem to the Lord.
4And he shall bring it to the door of the tabernacle of witnessing, before the Lord, and he shall put his hand on the head thereof, and he shall offer it to the Lord.
5And he shall take up of the blood of the calf, and shall bring it into the tabernacle of witnessing.
6And when he hath dipped his finger into the blood, he shall sprinkle it seven times before the Lord, against the veil of the saintuary.
7And he shall put of the same blood on the corners of the altar of incense most acceptable to the Lord, which altar is in the tabernacle of witnessing; soothly he shall pour all the tother blood into the foundament of the altar of burnt sacrifice in the entering of the tabernacle.
8And he shall offer for his sin the inner fatness of the calf, as well it that covereth the entrails, as all things that be within,
9two little reins, and the caul, which is on them, beside the ileum, and the fatness of the maw, with the little reins,
10as it is offered of the calf of the sacrifice of peaceable things; and the priest shall burn those things on the altar of burnt sacrifice.
11Soothly the priest shall bear out of the tents, the skin, and all the flesh, with the head, and the feet, and the entrails, and the dung,
12and the body that is left, into a clean place, where the ashes be wont to be poured out; and he shall burn those things upon the heap of wood, the which shall be burnt in the place of ashes poured out.
13That if all the company of the sons of Israel knoweth not, and doeth by unknowing that that is against the commandment of the Lord,
14and afterward understandeth his sin, he shall offer a calf for that sin, and he shall bring the calf to the door of the tabernacle.
15And the elder men of the people shall set or put hands on the head thereof before the Lord; and when the calf is offered in the sight of the Lord,
16the priest that is anointed shall bear in of his blood into the tabernacle of witnessing;
17and when he hath dipped his finger, he shall sprinkle the blood seven times against the veil.
18And he shall put of the same blood in the horns of the altar, which is before the Lord in the tabernacle of witnessing; soothly he shall pour the blood that leaveth beside the foundament of the altar of burnt sacrifice, which is in the door of the tabernacle of witnessing.

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Compare Leviticus 4:1-18Leviticus 4:1-18