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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Judges - Judges 3

Judges 3:24-28

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24Ehud went out by a porch. And the king’s servants entered, not into the parlour, but into the porch, and they saw the doors of the parlour closed, and they said, In hap he purgeth the womb in the summer parlour.
25And they abode so long, till they were ashamed; and they saw that no man opened the door, and they took the key, and they opened, and they found their lord lying dead on the earth.
26And while they were troubled, Ehud fled out, and passed the place of the graven idols, from whence he turned again; and he came into Seirath.
27And anon he sounded with a clarion in the hill of Ephraim; and the sons of Israel came down with him, and he went in the front.
28Which said to them, Follow ye me, for the Lord hath betaken our enemies, Moabites, into our hands. And they came down after him, and occupied the fords of Jordan, that led over into Moab. And they suffered not any man to pass over,

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