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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Judges - Judges 16

Judges 16:15-25

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15And Delilah said to him, How sayest thou, that thou lovest me, since thine inward affection is not with me? By three times thou hast lied to me, and wouldest not say to me, wherein is thy most strength (or where thy great strength lieth).
16And when she was dis-easeful to him, and cleaved to him continually by many days, and to him gave no space to rest, his life failed, and was made weary unto the death. (And when she had made his life miserable, and continually cleaved to him for many days, and gave him no time for any rest, his strength, or his resolve, failed, and he was made weary unto the death.)
17(And) Then he opened the truth of the thing, and said to her, Iron came never yet upon mine head (or No iron hath ever yet touched my head), for I am a Nazarite, that is, hallowed to the Lord, from my mother’s womb; if mine head be shaven, my strength shall go away from me, and I shall fail, and I shall be (made as feeble) as other men.
18And she saw that he had acknowledged to her all his will, either heart; and she sent to the princes of Philistines, and commanded, Go ye up yet (at) once, for now he hath opened his heart to me. The which went up, the money taken with them that they promised. (And she saw that he had spoken to her with all his heart; and she sent for the rulers of the Philistines, saying, Come ye up at once, for he hath now opened up all his heart to me. And they came to her immediately, bringing the money that they had promised.)
19And she made him sleep upon her knees, and to lay his head in her bosom; and (then) she called (for) a barber, and he shaved (the) seven (locks of the) hairs of him; and (then) she began to shove him away, and to put him (off) from her; for anon (or at once) the strength went away from him.
20And she said, Samson, the Philistines be upon thee! And he rose (up) from sleep, and said in his soul, I shall go out, as I did before, and I shall shake me from these bonds; and he knew not, that the Lord had gone away from him.
21And when the Philistines had taken him, anon they put out his eyes, and led him bound with chains to Gaza, and they closed him in prison, and made him to grind. (And when the Philistines had taken hold of him, at once they put out his eyes, and led him bound with chains to Gaza, and there they enclosed him in prison, and made him to grind with a wheel.)
22And then his hairs began to grow again;
23and the princes of (the) Philistines came together to offer great sacrifices to Dagon, their god, and they made (the) feasts and ate, saying, Our god hath betaken Samson, our enemy, into our hands.
24And the people seeing also this thing praised their god (or And the people seeing this thing also praised their god), and said the same things, (Yea), Our god hath betaken our adversary into our hands, which did away our land, and killed full many men.
25And they were glad(dened) by (the) making of feasts, and then when they had eaten, they commanded that Samson should be called, and (to) play before them; the which was led out of (the) prison, and played before them; and they made him stand betwixt two pillars.

Read Judges 16Judges 16
Compare Judges 16:15-25Judges 16:15-25