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Bibles in Alamblak

Jon 6:14-50 in Alamblak

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Jon 6:14-50 in Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot

14 Met yindarim nd Jisasr namo mirakerkfot htihato be tfit tum rinakfo nakfo memom, “Dajohmn, nd Bro Nkifrarhu rfa borngt kfo hnamo profetr ka asor bi niamor.”
15 Nd rom nakfo pthamohat, Jisasr bi wanymormn ror duka memor, “Arm bi inji rinakfo pthekwamn tir tir yak rim htahato kfo mirahma, ‘Rorn nmoh kingr tohrahr.’” Jisasr nd dukefr yakmotrr nd tkitt htanymortn tfit turpetr yura kminysofko muhmor.
16 Krifn disaiperm tfit tek bariko yimomwe.
17 Yimomn mmbrt yaknihato memom, “Tek barit hir hayuknihato tfit Kaperneamko riyahnom.” Yifungta hanymot nhai bi Jisasr mifnahrmorm.
18 Hir hanyetmn bro wifort sinyahato sikfot rpat sinyamot.
19 Nd wifortpno rihirhany rihirhany, ka bi 5 o 6 kilomita kanjo bi rihir hanyetmn ee Jisasr htiyak hanymomr yura tek yuhat yau hnehato brbo mmbrtpno fau yaknimor. Rom inji htiyakhato fakrmemom.
20 Be bmbri tu Jisasr kfo kangrm, “Mirahko ayakrmenom. Na Jisasa niewa.”
21 Be inji kfomotrm disaiperroh yima yuhum mirhuhato rroh mmbrtn tfit fak kmbremomr. Mikmbremotr be yudbat nd mmbrt rim fnahmot rom yiyuk tkittn.
22 To nd Jisasr kfo bruttnahato yeshrim yak nhtahemo tkitt toh hasomo yimam, tfit ndwom dbha marrn barit hirmo mmbrm htihato kfo memom, “To nom yihof Jisasr yeshrim herohat afo rpa mmbrrpat htironom. To nd mmbrt to bi disaiperrpam krif fakniromt. Jisasr nhai hikrrorm.” To ndha hirmo mmbrm Taiberiuskorhof mmbrm hirmoum.
24 To Jisasri rorhu disaiperm hti hambromohat, be tfit nd Taiberiasroh mmbrmn myaknihato Kaperneamko hir hikmomm.
25 Kaperneamko rim htanihato Jisasr hambro hanyhato mhtimomr. Mhtihato kfo ttiwon memomr, “Tisaye, to nine asombha niarohate fitoh yiharn niaro?”
26 Be rom inji ttiwon-motmr tfit Jisasr kfo memorm, “Na kfo mifwanko, niko na hambro hnewohat nhai be na nahniwa mirakerm htihato kfo mikahkma, ‘Dajohmn! Tu Bro Nkifrarhu Yon mifer.’ Nhai. Be nd bretpam yak yurhhato ye furkihmo yuhat htimokomn ndtpno tfit kak hambro htfaswokma.
27 Mirahko be yatiyeft yakyuk yeshrtn adukanom. Yiro yafothat yakyuk yeshrt dukakfot. Nd yafothathu yeshrt ye hmbrihato toh nkifranirahko. Nd yeshrt na Bro Najoma hiruhanko. Bi Bro Yifemr nd hingrneft bi fak htamora.”
28 Jisasr inji kfomotrm tfit rom ttiwon memomr, “To nom finji nahato nd Bro Nkifrar kfoyuk hingrnefm yak hikruhanomm?”
29 Rom inji kfomotmr tfit Jisasr kfo memorm, “Bro Nkifrarhu hingrnefthu hingrneft inji korht: Nikmoh bro dukefm nd tu Bro Nkifrar kfo tkrurafomo yimarn rhukfot.”
30 Rom nd mrokfot wanyhato tfit Jisasr ttiwon memomr, “To ni finji kanjohtet mirakerkfot hingrnaruhatnt nom htiruhanomn kfo miruhanom, ‘Dajohmn! Tu Bro Nkifrarhu Yon mifer.’ To ni tamohtet hingrneft hingrnaruha?
31 Nmoh nkifram nungur tik furat, kutewumt deset, nd tkitt hwe toh hnehato manakfot yakmohat, to rfa borngt kfo kangt, ‘Yura hefen yuhat yawihnayuk bretpam ndm hemotrm famom.’”
32 Be rom inji kfomotmr tfit Jisasr kfo memorm, “Na kfo mifwanko, Mosesr nhai yura hefen yuhat yawihnayuk bretpam yakhato hermorko. Nhai. Nanhu Yifemrn kahukrko tu yura hefenkorhof bretpa mif mift.
33 Nd bretpat Bro Nkifrar heyukt yura hefen yuhat wutoh tanyuket. Nd bretpat yayuk tuhant yindars be toh nkifranirahm.”
34 Jisasr inji kfomotr tfit rom kfo memom, “Bro yimaye, nom kangnom, nd bretparpam yiha yiha wahi hanyswannom.”
35 Rom inji kfomotm tfit Jisasr kfo memorm, “Na to nd toh nkifraniyuk yafothat heyuk bretpaya. Yimam nanpno nierahm be nhai tfit yatinohruhatm. Yo nann rroh bro dukefm rhurahm, be nhai tfit bupa knaruhatm.”
36 Jisasr inji kfonihato tfit kfo memorm, “Mrokfot to bi kfiyanko. Niko na nahnayuk nefm ar bi htiyetko, to nhai nann nikmoh bro dukefm rhuhato hikkahkma.
37 Yimam Bro Yifemr bi nann fahur nanpno nia tohrahm. Nhai kfo krmah o yak thu inji narhotanm.
38 To na hefenr wuhtanyhato yawihnamohat, nhai be tukianhu dukefthu hikneftn yawihna-armoya. Nhai. Memoya, ‘Bro Yifemrhu dukef yuhatn na be hikhato nd ror kfoyuk hingrnafat hingrnaruha.’
39 Na Bro Yifemr kfo tkrurafetann fitoh met yindarim bi tu Bro Yifemr nanhu tirtn bi hterm na nhai womr yak troh tanykfot wuroh ndar bbinysofthu bati yihar. Nhai. Nanhu tirt bi htetm yahot tathakni bugaruhanm.
40 Nanhu Yifemrhu yima yuhur inji duka kangr, nd dodh met yindari bugam Yonr yukatohhato ror yak hikwam, rom tu dborioh toh nmbuhat yakhato be toh nkifranikfot. Na tukann wuroh yihar nann yahot tathakniruhanm.”
41 Jisasr kfo memotr, “Na yura hefen yuhat yawihnayuk bretpaya,” nd mrokfotpno Judam wanyhato rroh yima yuhum nhai marnyarmomm. Kfo hutt memom,
42 “Nd yimar nom tawi-safwonomr. Josefrhu yinem Jisaser. Rorhu yifammaf nom tawisafwonomf. To tfit tamohmpno kfo yamukar, ‘Na hefen yuhat fawihnamoya?’”
43 Jisasr kfo memorm, “Be tmifko tukmoh rim pthata mpthataneft.
44 Na tu Bro Yifemr kfo tkrurafmotra fawihnamoya. Nhai wom yimar be turparhu duka fijo wayibon sinyahato nanpno niakfot. Tu Bro Yifemrn nd yimar thu yuhurworre ee btn nanpno niakfot. Kto wuroh yihar nd yimar yahot tathakniruhanr.
45 Profetm wandfamo mrokfot kfo memom, ‘Tu Bro Nkifrarn mrokfom hirahrm.’ Yimam nd ror hayuk mrokfom wanyhato dukefm yekwam nanpno niewum.
46 Nhai wom yimar Bro Yifemr htirmorr. Nhai. Nd tu Bro Nkifrarpno toh tany niayuk yimarparn Bro Yifemr htimorr.
47 Na kfo mifwanko, yimar rorhu bro dukefm nann rhuhato nanhu mrokfom wany yakiohato yak hikwar, tor nd yimarpar dborioh toh nmbuhat yakhato toh nkifranirahr.
48 Na nd toh nkifraniyuk yafothat heyuk bretpaya.
49 Nd nikmoh nkifram nd nungur tik furat yutewa deset, ndko hwe sohhnahato manat yi hnamo yimam be bi noh witamom.
50 Nd bretpat yura hefen yuhat yawihnayukt ndt womhtet bretpayet. Yimam nd bretpat yanyeft to be nhai tfit nohruhatm.
Jon 6 in Bro Nkifrarhu Mrokfot