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Bibles in Ulithian

John 9:15-33 in Ulithian

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John 9:15-33 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

15 Iwe ngo Pharisees kowe resa wol kasiya mal we mele ye foru ngo sala yoh le ye wiri formel. Yesa kangalur bo, “Ye hapidi ngal tot mochor meka metay; iy sala yurmat, iwe ngo igla iye iy sa wiri formel.”
16 Tot Pharisees kowe resa sor bo, “Yeramtala ye foru mele ila yete budoh mo irel Deus bo yete dabey molwe hatobtobol Sabbath.” Iwe ngo tot ir re sor bo, “Be ifa sengal chog ngo semal choto hamolfid ye sala foru tappel kkemal ka ika sengal?” Iwe resa hamehal re sala rure mo iyang.
17 Iwe ngo Pharisees kowe resa kasiya mal we fael sew, “Gel mele ho sor bo iy ye hachuya yam metafis. Meda mele hobe sor irel?” Mal we yesa sor bo, “Iy semal profeta.”
18 Tamol kowe yar Jews rete dipli le rebe chepar le mal we ila ye metafis ngo la ngo la igla ngo yesa chuy yal metafis. Re sala fesangurdoh mokwe wulutugul mal we
19 ngo resa kasiyar bo, “Lomi yeramtale? Hami ha sor le yela subdoh chog ngo ye metafis. Ila ngo ifa sengal chog ngo sala chuy yal metafis?”
20 Mokwe wulutugul resa hatefaeli ngo resa sor bo, “Hamem ha gola le lomem mele. Iwe ngo ha gola le yela faesul subdoh chog ngo ye metafis.
21 Iwe ngo ha togla mele ye foru ngo sa chuy yal metafis, ngo ha wol togla le ye hachuya yal metafis. Ha kasiya bele yesa mal. Be yoh le yebe hatefaeli kasiy kala yami!”
22 Mokwe wulutugul mal we re sor molwe bo re metagur tamol kowe yar Jews. Bo ir tamol kowe yar Jews resa hatugulu le hare semal yebe sor bo ye chepar le Jesus mele Kristus, ila ngo tayor fael sew le yeramtala ye sor bo ye chepar yebe chil bulong lal imwel ttey kowe yar.
23 Ila fal le mokwe wulutugul re sor bo, “Yesa mal; ha kasiya!”
24 Resa wol fesangu tefaelidoh mal we yela subdoh chog ngo ye metafis resa kangalu bo, “Hobe hatugulu mo fael metal Deus le hobe sor mala tosal. Ha gola le mal we ye hachuya yam metafis ila iy semal choto hamolfid.”
25 Mal we sa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Itugla hare iy semal choto hamolfid hare yeb. Mala chog ngang iy gula ila iy metafis, iwe ngo yela igla ngo iy sa wiri formel.”
26 Resa kasiya le re sor bo, “Meda mele ye faor ngalug? Ifa sengal yal hachuya yam metafis?”
27 Mal we yesa sor bo, “Sa mol yai kangalugmi ngo hami ha te talenga. Meda mele ha dipli habe wol rongrong fael sew iyang? Medalbo hami mwo ngo hasa wol dipli bo habe mel bo redabeyal, hare te ila sengal?”
28 Resa hapatpat tayikof ngali ngo resa sor bo, “Gel mele redabeyal bo hamem ila re dabeyel Moses.
29 Ha gola le Deus ye malili ngal Moses; ngo yeramtala ila lobosle mwo ye budoh mo iyang ngo ha togla!”
30 Mal we yesa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Ye wel igegel mala! Ha togla lobosle ye budoh mo iyang, iwe ngo ye hachuya yai metafis!
31 Si gula le Deus ye tema taelenga yalor choto hamolfid; iwe ngo yema taelenga yalor rechoka rema hasrowu, ngo re foru mekla iy ye dipli bo rebe foru.
32 Subdohol chog faileng le yee, la hola doh igla ngo ted yor mwo semal le si rongrong le ye hachuya yael semal metafis.
33 Hare ye te budoh mal le mo irel Deus ila ngo tor sew formel le be mmal ngali le yebe foru.”
John 9 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy