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Tyndale New Testament - John - John 8

John 8:19-44

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19These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury as he taught in the temple and no man layde hondes on him for his tyme was not yet come.
20Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them. I goo my waye and ye shall seke me and shall dye in youre synnes. Whyther I goo thyther can ye not come.
21Then sayde the Iewes: will he kyll him selfe because he sayth: whyther I goo thyther can ye not come?
22And he sayde vnto the: ye are from beneth I am from above. Ye are of this worlde I am not of this worlde.
23I sayde therfore vnto you that ye shall dye in youre synnes. For except ye beleve that I am he ye shall dye in youre synnes.
24Then sayde they vnto him who arte thou? And Iesus sayde vnto them: even the very same thinge that I saye vnto you.
25I have many thinges to saye and to iudge of you. But he that sent me is true. And I speake in the worlde those thinges which I have hearde of him.
26They understode not that he spake of his father.
27Then sayde Iesus vnto them: when ye have lyft vp an hye the sonne of man then shall ye knowe that I am he and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me even so I speake:
28and he that sent me is with me. The father hath not lefte me alone for I do alwayes those thinges that please him.
29As he spake these wordes many beleved on him.
30Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleved on him. If ye continue in my wordes then are ye my very disciples
31and shall knowe the trueth: and the trueth shall make you free.
32They answered him: We be Abrahams seede and were never bonde to eny man: why sayest thou then ye shalbe made fre.
33Iesus answered them: verely verely I saye vnto you that whosoever committeth synne is the servaunt of synne.
34And the servaunt abydeth not in the housse for ever: But the sonne abydeth ever.
35If the sonne therfore shall make you fre then are ye fre in dede.
36I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: But ye seke meanes to kyll me because my sayinges have no place in you.
37I speake that I have sene with my father: and ye do that which ye have sene with youre father.
38They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them. If ye were Abrahams chyldren ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham.
39But now ye goo about to kyll me a man that have tolde you the truthe which I have herde of god: this dyd not Abraham.
40Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We have one father which is God.
41Iesus sayde vnto them: yf God were youre father then wolde ye love me. For I proceaded forthe and come from God. Nether came I of my selfe but he sent me.
42Why do ye not knowe my speache? even because ye cannot abyde the hearynge of my wordes.
43Ye are of youre father the devyll and the lustes of youre father ye will folowe.
44He was a murtherer from the beginnynge and aboode not in the trueth because ther is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye then speaketh he of his awne. For he is a lyar and the father therof.

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Compare John 8:19-44John 8:19-44