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George Noyes Bible - John - John 4

John 4:3-11

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3he left Judaea, and went again to Galilee.
4And he must necessarily pass through Samaria.
5He cometh therefore to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the piece of land which Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
6And Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied with the journey, was sitting thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus saith to her, Give me to drink.
8For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.
9The Samaritan woman saith to him, How is it that thou, who art a Jew, askest drink of me, who am a Samaritan woman? For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.
10Jesus answered and said to her, If thou hadst known the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldst have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.
11The woman saith to him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Whence hast thou the living water?

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